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Friday, July 27, 2012

NEWS FLASH: PGF Site Expedition, July 26th, 2012

NEWS FLASH, July 27th, 2012.
PGF Site Expedition, Group Photo, July 26th, 2012. Cliff Barackman, Ian C., Rowdy Kelley, Todd Hale,
Jamie Snowhorse, Robert and Francis Leiterman, Bart Cutino, Terry Smith, James Fay (Bobo), Bill Munns,
and Steven Streufert. Daniel Perez is behind the camera, and Tom Yamarone and Scott McClean were in camp at
that time. (Arranged shot, snapped by Daniel Perez on my camera.) That is the Kodak Cine K-100 16mm
camera, the same model used by Roger Patterson. This one has the three-lens turret in front, while
Roger's had one lens.
This is just a quick post. I'll have a more detailed presentation soon, when I get the time.

We're just now back from the latest Bluff Creek trip, which was a mega-event with all the gang and some very special guests. News and photos will follow in more detail on this blog soon. Full technical details will be published by Bill Munns once the photogrammetry and further mapping are finished. The PGF site is now once and for all throughly documented and confirmed in greater detail than ever before. With Bill Munns there this week we now have more accurate data on the site, film subject and cameraman position than even Green and Dahinden did back in the day! We know pretty much exact positions for the entire film and site now, and will have a fabulous model when Bill Munns is done. Jamie Snowhorse, who did our site proof mathematics last year, will provide confirmatory and complementary data. Robert Leiterman, Ian C. and Daniel Perez were still on site today noting the exact trackway course and positions in the film.
PGF Site Expedition, BLUFF CREEK FILM SITE PROJECT Reunion Photo, July 26th, 2012.
These are the original three, Steven Streufert, Ian C., and Robert Leiterman, plus Rowdy Kelley 
who joined us at the end last year, missing Jamie Schutmutt who did our math and is still doing more. 
The location is in front of the "Big Trees," Patterson-Gimlin Film Site.
It's been a long week. For now, here are a couple more photos...
PGF Site Expedition, July 26th, 2012. Daniel Perez and Ian look down the line of sight toward the Big Tree
with the Kodak Cine K-100 16mm camera. Daniel filmed Bobo doing a recreation of the walk in the
approximate right position for the "Frame 352" moment of the PGF.
Bigfoot Troubadour, Researcher and Sasquatch History Buff Tom Yamarone performs his new song,
"Hodgson's General Store. He came to the PGF site the first day out, but missed the group photo above.
We now have final confirmation of the PGF site in exact detail, with Bill Munns saying he is 100% certain of the location and certain he can determine the exact trackway.

More details will follow, with photographs of people there and the specifics of what we did, so stay tuned to this ever-exciting blog. Yes, I will have some preliminary technical details before Munns releases his official results and report.

This blog is copyright and all that jazz, save for occasional small elements borrowed for "research" and information or satirical purposes only, 2003-2012, Bigfoot Books and Steven Streufert. Borrowings for non-commercial purposes will be tolerated without the revenge of Angry Bigfoot, if notification, credit, citation and a kindly web-link are given, preferably after contacting us and saying, Hello, like a normal person would before taking a cup of salt. No serious rip-offs of our material for vulgar commercial gain will be tolerated without major BF stomping action coming down on you, hu-man.