BFB's Pages

Friday, July 13, 2012

Walking Tour of the new North Bonneville, WA Bigfoot Statues, with Larry Lund

Larry poses with his Bigfoot family.

Mid-July 2012 Edition

Since I'm getting a bit weary of all the serious stuff lately, here is a little bit of fun for you blog readers. Yes, I know, this is the second blog post featuring Larry Lund in a row, but it just so happens that Larry sent in these cool photos today. I can't resist posting them here.

The statues are installed throughout the park in North Bonneville. It is a fun little walking loop with educational features and clever Bigfoot statuary along the way. Enjoy! All of these photos shown here are actually larger than they appear on this blog page, so click to enlarge or right click them and open in another window to view or read them. All photos were taken by Larry Lund, and should be considered copyright by him. They are used here courtesy of Larry.

A start to the walking tour. Click to Enlarge and read it.
From Larry:"Here is the first set of photos taken at the park in the Columbia RiverGorge at North Bonneville Washington This is a very nice drive upriver from Vancouver, Washington and was just dedicated on the 6th of July 2012. Two more sets will follow. Hope you all enjoy them. On a side note, for those of you who know of him, John Kirk of Vancouver, B. C. is the son of former Mayor of North Bonneville."

All of these statues were created by Ken Craig of Washougal, WA. 
Here are a few links to his artworks, which you should enjoy, and which go way beyond Bigfoot sculpting:

From THE COLUMBIAN Newspaper:
"The biggest Bigfoot in North Bonneville will be unveiled at 7 p.m. today at the main entrance to the town off Highway 14.
The arrival of the Great Elder will cap — at least for now — a program of regular Sasquatch sightings coordinated by the city's Heritage Trails Committee. A whole family of the legendary Northwest woods inhabitants created by Ken Craig of Washougal has been placed on a quarter-mile paved loop around the community park.
The Great Elder, which is carved of wood, is by far the largest, standing 12 feet tall and weighing 2,000 pounds."

Read the full article here:

Are these real, verifiable Bigfoot behaviors?

Click to Enlarge and Read
The Great Elder

All photography on this page is copyright Larry Lund, 2012.
Thanks again to Larry for more cool blog bytes.

Well... There you have it. I've never been to North Bonneville, but I now have a good reason to go, as do all of you fans of Sasquatch Art. You know I am a big fan of Bigfoot statuary. By the way, this reminds me. Here is a link to an old web site I did before this blog began... Click It.

BIGFOOT BY THE ROADSIDE. Willow Creek, Humboldt County, CA and BEYOND: Sasquatch Kitsch and Culture in Northern California



Me not angry. Me glad me not have to live in hu-man park. Me not want statue of me not either. Me not like it if hu-man climb on me and stick gum wad on foot. Me rather be free. Be wild. But it all good. Me tell you me not angry.


This blog is copyright and all that jazz, save for occasional small elements borrowed for "research" and information or satirical purposes only, 2012, Bigfoot Books and Steven Streufert. Borrowings for non-commercial purposes will be tolerated without the revenge of Angry Bigfoot, if notification, credit, citation and a kindly web-link are given, preferably after contacting us and saying, Hello, like a normal person would before taking a cup of salt. No serious rip-offs of our material for vulgar commercial gain will be tolerated without major BF stomping action coming down on you, hu-man.


  1. we love visiting this cool park! looking forward to hearing larry speak at #HopsSquatch !

  2. I know Larry Lund I was in the army with him in Pirmasens Germany with th 97th engr. Bn..... Ron shaw Wichita ks. He bought a ford sprint at rusty eclipse ford.

  3. I know Larry Lund I was in the army with him in Pirmasens Germany with th 97th engr. Bn..... Ron shaw Wichita ks. He bought a ford sprint at rusty eclipse ford.


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