BFB's Pages

Monday, August 30, 2010

BIGFOOT FORUMS V2.0 UP AND RUNNING! Trinity Alps Area Report; "Gimlin Guard" and "Bluff Creek Massacre" Conspiracy Theories Persist; Possible Patterson Photo? Ape Faces, News


We're still working on editing the photos from our recent BLUFF CREEK TRIP, so look for that and our ANATOMY OF A BIGFOOT HOAX DVD report, and much more, soon. So much is on the back burners that we're not sure what is getting overcooked. Apparently the Bigfootery Enquirer is trying to draw us out, and so be it--see below. A new report is in from our local area, and will be mentioned below. So, for now, on we go with this BREAKING NEWS, and good news it is! (For now?) If you're tired of the BFF stuff, just skip past the red text below.

Image: The Willow Creek Ace Hardware Bigfoot mural, painted by Duane Flatmo. Photo by Steven Streufert.


Back from the dead, and hopefully reborn and not undead, the new BFF is up and accepting registrations from all comers. A new host, The Centre for Fortean Zoology, looks like it will be able to professionally and responsibly handle this former can of worms. We are hoping that it will prosper, and remain on this side of human decency and ethics. Let us all participate and "act like adults" in the spirit of free and reasonable discourse on the topic we all love... BIGFOOT!

All former members, banned or otherwise, are being accepted, assuming that they live by the new rules. We were new member number 30 this time around. Find us there: "BigfootBookman." No anonymity for us! The old content, which so many have been worrying would be lost, WILL BE RESTORED, gradually, complete with images. Or so they are saying... We are calling off any boycott and protest movements for now. Let's all give it a chance to work; and the more good, fair, and kind people on there the less chance it will become like the old, messed up version of the BFF.

An announcement was made on the new BFF speaking of the new spirit of the place:

"Welcome to the new Bigfoot Forums.

As you are probably aware, the old BFF was closed by the owner Brian 'Bipto' Brown. After some negotiating, Brian agreed to transfer the domain name and the forum's content to the Centre for Fortean Zoology. As a result of that, this new forum has been created.

The content of the old forum will be imported as soon as possible, but it will take some time to get this done correctly - we intend to make use of the 'gallery' facility for all the old images.

The old forum became fraught with difficulties, grudges and a whole heap of disgruntled members. This new forum is different - if you want to participate in the new forum, you will be expected to leave those grudges at the door.

We expect members of this new forum to be more respectful of others and of the various bigfoot groups - if you can't be constructive, then this probably isn't the forum for you.

The administration of this forum will be very different to the old BFF, although you will need to bear with us while we get things up and running.

The forum will have no more than two 'administrators' at any one time - admin will not be responsible for the moderation of the forum other than carrying out the instructions of the moderators and Steering Committee (eg. banning members), and of course removing spam accounts and other forum maintenance.

The intention is to moderate the forum by means of fixed-term moderators - initially on a six month 'tour of duty' - after those six months are up, the moderator will return to member status and a new moderate will take their place. Moderators will be chosen by the CFZ management. This means that far more of the members will be expected to help run the forum than before. Given time, we hope to reduce the 'tour' to a three month term - we have seen that long-serving moderators stop being effective after too long and become somewhat jaded. Fixed-term moderators shoudl fix this problem.
Moderators will no longer have the ability to moderate the entire forum - their duties will be divided into sections, that way, if a member has a personal problem with a moderator, they will be able to avoid the moderator in question until the situation has been resolved.

Members are expected to assist in the moderation of the forum by means of the 'report' button, and only by means of the report button. If you don't get a personal reply to your report, do not assume that it has not been read and actioned - all reports will be read by the moderators.

The function of the board and the moderators will be overseen by a Steering Committee - this committee will be selected by the CFZ management - the makeup of the committee has yet to be decided, but it is expected to include members of CFZ, members of bigfoot organisations and individuals from the forum. The main function of the committee will be to highlight issues to the moderators and to act as an 'appeals panel' in the event that the moderators take action that a member disagrees with. In other words, to ensure that the moderation is fair to everyone.

Feel free to re-register using your old username, or to use a new username if you prefer. Registration is open to everyone, including individuals who have been previously banned.

If you plan on using your old username, it is important that the email address you use matches the email address you used on the old website - if it doesn't, you will be expected to explain why not. If you cannot prove 'ownership' of that username, you are likely to be banned for trying to impersonate an existing member.

Lastly, have fun. A lot of work is going into making this a completely different place from the old BFF, we would appreciate your help in keeping it that way."

We here at Bigfoot's bLog are hoping for the best. We hope they will give everyone a chance there, for sure, and that all will behave within reason. We saw a lot of old, familiar user names back on there already today, including BitterMonk, Masterbarber, and Kitakaze. Let's hope everyone will treat this opportunity with respect, even snarky old us. If we see BS, we swear, we are just going to walk on right around it! Or, at least, we will try to do so--sometimes these issues have a way of drawing one in when one least wants or expects it.

And here we would like to offer our great thanks, and appreciation, to the founder of the BFF, BRIAN BROWN, for first fostering, and now preserving, this site. It has great value as an archive, and hopefully for the future of Bigfooting, too. THANKS, Brian!

* Go to the website, BIGFOOTFORUMS.COM, the same old URL.

* Be a "fan" of on Facebook to be kept up to date on the issues (and meet all those other cool Bigfooters out there--even Igor Burtsev is on there!). The Link? It's HERE.


Speaking of "Kitakaze".... He had been claiming that it was HIS theories debunking the Patterson-Gimlin Film that brought the old BFF down. We of the "Gimlin Guard" believers faction just couldn't handle it, man. The BFF just collapsed from the top-heavy weight of Kit's debunking. Now he has backed off and admits, "I am not important. The film subject is important. I am boring." We recall an original post by him in the BFF Implosion thread, but now we cannot seem to find it... was it deleted?

Over on the great Search for Bigfoot Forum Melissa Hovey and others have revealed some interesting details, observable in this link (be sure to click the images, enlarge and read them). Perhaps this conspiracy and the coming documentary he's supposedly making can be shut down just like all of us stopped the Bluff Creek Massacre theory in its bloody tracks before they could make books and films based on it. If not, watch out Kit--the Gimlin Guard is coming to get you! Mooohaaahahhahaaa.
And here Melissa elaborates a bit further...

Who is this "Kitakaze"? Well, we think we know:
[Link removed by request for what seemed to us good personal reasons.]
Seems like a cool dude to us, anyway. Rumor has it he likes Joy Division, so there, that's cool.

Here's Kit's JREF post, "Calling All Skeptics! Help Kitakaze End PGF Controversy - Pitch to Discovery Channel"

"When out looking for Bigfoot on the internet, watch out for Trolls."

This was one of the statements that originally got us banned from the BFF. For a definition, here:
"Internet troll (or simply troll in Internet slang): someone who posts controversial and usually irrelevant or off-topic messages in an online community, such as an online discussion forum or chat room, with the intention of baiting other users into an emotional response[1] or to generally disrupt normal on-topic discussion."
Read more: PURSUIT MAG on Internet & Cyber Crime Terms and Definitions.


We'll be reviewing it more or less line-by-line and debunking it, but for now, here: go listen to JIM LANSDALE ON BIGFOOT BUSTERS on BlogTalk Radio's archives (online streaming or downloadable). The last half hour of the recent show contains so many outright distortions, utter mis-comprehensions, and plain outright confabulations that you simply will not believe it. Well, in our opinion, anyone who comes out and actually says Al Hodgson is "crazy" really deserves our wrath and disgust. We know Al, and he is certainly not crazy, nor covering things up at the behest of John Green and his minions. Mr. Jim, it wasn't enough to commit essential slander and libel against Bob Gimlin and John Green, and to allow your GCBRO FORUM to be a factory for this disgusting activity, but now you have to go after one of the most honorable men ever to be mentioned in the annals of Bigfooting? Really, you've gone off the theoretical deep end with these ideas. OK, there, we said it. More next time....

Go to the GCBRO message board through the link above. You'll be astonished. Apparently M.K. Davis has let this one go, and the "Massacre" thing has been taken over by new apostles. Scan down the list, or just read or do a search for any topic on there about Bluff Creek, John Green or Al Hodgson.

Image, above: from the Bigfoot Busters BlogTalk home page. It does not depict Lansdale. Bluff Creek sign photo by Steven Streufert, taken 2009.

Our friend and Bigfooting ally, Cliff Barackman, recently posted some really cool information and images on the individuation of apes. Visible in these images is the personality and individual variation that is clear in these intelligent and sentient beings. They are not mere beasts. Look into their eyes and tell us that you don't see at times more humanity than one sees in the stultified, hypnotized and overfed faces one sees walking down the streets of your town. This isn't just anthropomorphism--there's really someone looking back at you.
READ MORE HERE: STARE INTO THE EYES OF 40 APE FACES on his North American Bigfoot Blog.



This just in... a very reputable, gainfully and professionally employed, and very sane local individual was out with a hiking partner, heading out of the Hoopa area up into the edge area of the western Trinity Alps, and they got lost, despite having a GPS unit. They had to camp in the raw that night, without gear or a fire. This is preliminary information only. We know the nephew of the reporting party, and will be inquiring further for next time.
Our friend said, "She said the first 20 seconds of this clip [as below, give it a listen, and hear what she heard] and these are her words..."

Here it is, a preliminary statement:
"Didn't hear tree knocks... heard huffing, which I thought was a bear (and I saw its eye shine in my headlamp -but Bigfoot would have been about the same size) - and then many hours later some sounds like the very first ones on the link... you sent me - I thought perhaps coyotes but it didn't sound right for them, and the habitat was wrong for coyotes. There were also some crashing-around sounds in the middle of the night that I never figured out for sure."

It is always interesting to hear reports of sounds that replicate the "Samurai Chatter" that is heard in the Sierra Sounds recordings (1972-1975). Either it is the same ordinary animal out there making very odd noises, or perhaps the witness was just too close to a call-blasting Bigfooter camp... or, those strange old recordings come closer to validation. The sounds are very strange on their own; but if we can find similar sounds in association with sightings or Bigfoot-related signs, tracks or sightings, then we can more reasonably assume they might be the actual vocalizations of the Sasquatch. But, has anyone ever SEEN Bigfoot vocalize?
We'll try to find out more for you in the future.


THE BIGFOOTERY ENQUIRER seems a bit teed off lately. Or, is that anything unusual for them? Well, soon they will be outed (on September 12th) by Steve Kulls, the SquatchDetective. On his show on BlogTalk, Kulls will be having a round-table discussion (click link to listen live on September 5th, or to get the archived version afterwards) on the Enquirer and speculations as to the identity of its anonymous snarky writer(s).

Read their latest post, GORILLAS IN OUR MIDST here, and tell us: Are they talking about BIGFOOT'S BLOG in the first long paragraph? Could they be talking about Mr. Kulls in the second one? Or are WE just getting a little paranoid, too? We say this, BFE: Better to be a gorilla, any day, than a pig in a poke, hiding anonymously in the bushes of some squalid little farm. If we're a "gorilla," we're happy about it, and howl with laughter.


Guess what? DAVID PAULIDES was on Coast-to-Coast AM last night (August 29-30, at 12:00), and he did a pretty darn good job of the two hours of discussion. He finally brought out his genetic analyst for the second hour, and it was satisfying to hear that they are making progress toward identifying the type of animal that left the hair samples they found a while back in our area up here. We did have a few differences over facts, but overall it was... Great! We're glad to see Bigfoot reaching so many millions of listeners with a reasonable presentation of belief rather than just mockery and hype. Sure, we don't always agree with him, but we're willing to say, that's OK.

This show may be had by Streamlink subscribers only via streaming archive. However, we recorded it, so if you really want to hear it come by BIGFOOT BOOKS and we'll play it for you.


The image that follows was sent to us by one of our readers. Apparently Bill Munns thinks it is Roger Patterson. The question? Does anyone know more about its origin? When it was shot? The LOCATION of the image? We are asking around with some of the Willow Creek old-timers to see. If you can help do let us know. Thanks!


Me like looks of orangutan girl in picture up there. Me want. You bring? Bigfoot get lonely when no Bigfoot woman come to where I wood knock. Me make sad howl, Bigfoot hunter hu-mans think it to talk to them. No way! Me start make track down in Willow Creek hu-man place. Me look in window. Me see hu-mans watch Legend Boggy Creek. He lonely too! They say "Last of his kind." Me want to steal their popcorn. It get hard for Bigfoot survive when me such horndog. Bring me ape lady. Me go back to woods in mountain and not eat pet cat.

This blog is copyright and all that jazz, save for occasional small elements borrowed for "research" and information or satirical purposes only, 2010, Bigfoot Books and Steven Streufert. Borrowings will be tolerated without the revenge of Angry Bigfoot, if credit, citation and a kindly web-link are given, preferably after contacting us and saying, Hello, like a normal person would before taking a cup of salt. 

Wednesday, August 25, 2010



We've just gotten back from a three-day weekend in Bluff Creek. Look to upcoming blogs for images and commentary from that trip. No obvious Bigfoot activity was noticed, though the magic of the place was palpable. We saw three bears, one of which was spotted with Gen-3 night vision binoculars as it entered the edge of our camp area. More later! Meanwhile, the Bigfoot Forums upheaval continues to occupy our time and attention. See below for an update on that and the upcoming BFF-V.2.0. Emails and Comments have been flooding in--how long before we are crucified?
Find below our Editorial, a Poem, and a hodgepodge of Bigfooty fun.
Read onward, valiant Squatcher....


Some wish to prove what they have seen, and so validate themselves. Some wish to prove what they believe, one side or the other, and so justify themselves. It seems to us it should really be about discovering and seeing reality. It should not be a personal issue. Either the Sasquatch exist or they do not; and either way they do not give a hoot whether we believe in them or not.

What concerns us about this little argument over Bigfoot is how it is emblematic of larger social issues. It is a microcosm of how we treat each other and the other creatures. It reveals our general lack of respect, whether it is Bigfoot or Star Trek we are discussing. Or, it reveals respect for and openness to reality and other living beings.

The ones getting the least respect are the Wild Ones; and they watch from the shadows at the edge of our civilization as we slowly destroy the world upon which all the living things depend. We've said this many times before, and we keep having to say it: Be the kind of person a Sasquatch would want to know, think like a Squatch. How else can we ever hope to know, find, understand, or prove them?

One thing we found in Bluff Creek this weekend is that life goes on outside, and has so done for ages, heedless of our human bickering and conflict. Outside, out there, it is a beautiful universe, and all possibilities exist. This, to us, is the spirit and meaning of Bigfoot. All the rest is just plain human neurosis.

Images: To upper right a life-sized BF poster at the Yakima Bigfoot Round-Up. Below, in Bluff Creek, near Louse Camp, and Daniel Perez speaking at the 40th Anniversary PGF Celebration in Willow Creek. Taken by Steven Streufert, 2007-2010.

The Daniel Perez Memorial RV Highway? 

Who posted this sign?

Well, this is the formerly treacherous, and now decidedly closed and defunct upper road going northwest out of Louse Camp. It is famous (well, this road, or the one just up or the one just down from it are good candidates, though we haven't been able to get absolute clarification from Mr. Perez) for being the road that killed this Bigfoot researcher's recreational vehicle in an accident that nearly claimed his life and could have burned the whole Bluff Creek basin in 1998.
Only some trees on the cliff/hillside saved him from the surely deadly plummet that could have been. The whole thing burned up, taking many valuable Bigfoot records, photos and his computer; but the fire kept Perez warm during the chilly night he had to spend without warm clothes or a sleeping bag.

You can read about this event if you get the back issues and index of the BIGFOOT TIMES, the "last published and mailed out newsletter on Bigfoot in the world." Clue: October 1998 BFT, available from Daniel on his website, linked above, for a well-worth-it $1.50 per issue.


Coming up September 1st at the Arcata Theater Lounge will be...

Science Fiction Pint and Pizza Night featuring The Missing Link

TWO GREAT FILMS, and a Bigfooty Celebration!

A Sasquatch-centered evening featuring showings of THE LEGEND OF BOGGY CREEK and THE SNOW CREATURE, along with Bigfoot discussion, PGF film clips, BF knick-knack raffles, displays and maybe a talk on the subject. Somehow we got a special sponsorship role in this event, but all we recall doing was providing film and music clips to the organizer, Mike Sargent. Now we're supposed to give a talk, according to Bob Doran of the North Coast Journal paper? Funny how reality goes on in advance of our awareness of it.... Will we speak? Maybe we'll just wear camouflage and bring night vision goggles.

Coming up! Wednesday, September 1st, 2010, from 6:00 to 10:00 p.m., 1036 G St, Arcata, Humboldt County, California. All ages welcome. Admission is FREE with a minimum $5.00 purchase, which is easy to accomplish, thanks to their fine selection of beers at the bar (Two IPAs!) and good pub food. This one is going to rock!

From the ATL event web page (link above), we quote:

Hosted by the boys of Missing Link Records in Arcata! There will be storytelling, venders and more with a special sponsoring by Steven Streufert of the Bigfoot Blog (and books)!

Back by popular demand! The best in B science fictions movies, drive-in classics, psychotronic weirdness and more. We’ll also do raffle prizes throughout the evening so expect some very cool, very strange science fiction prizes including figurines, posters, books, cards, VHS movies and more for that inner science fiction enthusiast in us all. Sponsored by Bigfoot Books, La Dolce Video, The Arcata Eye, Daisy Drygoods, Vintage Avenger, Tin Can Mailman, The Clothing Dock and more.


Best Friends Forever?

CRYPTOMUNDO has published a piece written by Loren Coleman on the recent BFF-Bigfoot Forums fiasco, and our blogging about it. Check it and its comments section here:

The comments are interesting, so look down at the bottom. Apparently it is "slander" to speak out against slanderous behavior on a public Bigfoot forum? Go figure, folks.


On the Version 2.0 Bigfoot Forums' new Facebook page there were a couple of updates of interest lately.
First, the site is going to be hosted by a hopefully objective new party.

We quote:

"Since we discussed it on The Bigfoot Show, the new BFF website will be hosted and maintained by the Centre for Fortean Zoology - an organisation that has no alliance with any 'bigfoot' organisation. CFZ has been in existence for eighteen years and is the largest Cryptozoological organisation in the world and takes no official stance on bigfoot." 

A previous update stated:

"If you have existing grudges with other members or the old administration, leave them at the door please, this is going to be a fresh start for BFF, and we hope, for the entire bigfoot community."

All of this sounds pretty promising. The new site could be up and starting to run any day now. The archives will be preserved, apparently. Let's hope for the best. Perhaps the REAL value of the BFF at this point--and we admit this is what we used it most for--is the record it presents of the history of the Bigfooting Community? It is incredibly useful in this regard: to go back and look at all the characters and controversies over the years, and how things played out or how certain "evidence" flopped

Visit the CFZ/CENTRE FOR FORTEAN ZOOLOGY to see what they are all about.



Former BFF subcomandante RedWolf has been posting bizarre conspiracy theories regarding what happened at a recent Northern California camping trip that included a number of AIBR and BFRO members, as well as BFF founder Brian Brown and Jerry Riedel. Well, we checked it out with our sources, all of them wishing to remain anonymous, and they all say NOTHING UNUSUAL happened at that campout. Whoever thinks this was some kind of "summit meeting" of the "Elite" of Bigfooting are really fooling themselves, by all appearances. The BFF came up in camp a few times, and was discussed mainly in regard to the problem of the moderators and administrators getting caught up in the discussions and arguments rather than helping moderate them.

No specific topics were "argued about," no grand conspiracies plotted. The concern: Was the BFF still serving its intended purpose, or had it become lost? Changes were going to be made, the word had it, and Brian Brown told us; but that was about it. Apparently, Brian made his decision as he made the long, thoughtful drive back across the country to Minnesota.Brian Brown's mobile FaceBook updates along the way back home from the campout contain some clues. Anyway, to sum up: RedWolf's posts on BFF and JREF are NOT how it went down; and Bipto's are CORRECT. No need for Conspiracy Theory--there wasn't even a Lone Gunman in this one.

Brian Brown on Facebook, July 28th:

Brian Brown "is tired of the bigfoot community continually eating its own young."

[and then in a sub-comment...]
"I couldn't agree more. We spend so much time fixating in the things the separate us and drive us apart instead of the (admittedly fewer) things that bind us together. Life's too short for that."

It's pretty clear what happened, isn't it? Just an ordinary annual camping trip among friends.



Currently at 9 pages, read back and forth in the JREF FORUMS thread, THE IMPLOSION OF THE BFF, this being the page where RedWolf starts the false theorizing (for page one go HERE).
* Watch for the posts of KITAKAZE for some real good conspiracy theory including his idea of the sinister "Gimlin Guard." Ouch! Apparently Kitakaze thinks HE brought down the BFF with the tremendous power of his P-G Film debunking. Yep Kit, we just could not handle it! Ha ha.
* Read the SEARCH FOR BIGFOOT FORUM thread THE BFF: A EULOGY for more (and to see what a sane discussion forum looks like).
* Read the paralyzed and frozen old BIGFOOT FORUMS HERE.



In response to our last blog which featured a poem we wrote, M.K. Davis, out of the blue, sent us a song-poem he wrote a few years back. It is in the tradition of the old-time bawdy song, but with a Bigfoot theme. It seemed even more apt for us, as we'd just a couple of weeks ago finished reading the book in question, THE CREATURE.

"Then it is true what they say about the poet, especially in this business. A poet, that doesn't know it, but the feet show it...they're longfellows. Hey, I tried my hand at writing a bigfoot song once. I wrote a little ditty called "Party at Jan Klements". It's good for a chuckle. It's in the attachment. BTW, you should name your keyboard "excaliber." You do a lot of slicing and dicing with it."  -- M.K.

Party at Jan Klement's
by M.K.Davis
(Published with his permission)

I was thinking of a time
before I lost my mind
When my time was a lot better spent.

I had lot's of friends
and I played golf on weekends
Now I'm sleepin' in a doggone tent.
I don't mean to cause a stir 
but would you pardon me sir,
Did you see which way that sasquatch went?

He said " I've known for 50 years
and I can't believe my ears
There's a party at Jan Klement's.

There's a party at Jan Klement's.
There's a party at Jan Klement's.
Now it all began to make sense.
There's a party at Jan Klement's.

I was listening to the talker
and I took it to a doctor
I just wanted to see what it meant?

Then he looked at me funny
He said " you better save your money",
There's a party at Jan Klements.

There's a party at Jan Klement's.
There's a party at Jan Klement's.
Now it all began to make sense.
There's a party at Jan Klement's.

Maybe there is somethin' 
to this migration theory
Their headin' from west to east

There's an increase in sightings
and pictures that are blurry
and everybody's seein' the beast.

I began to follow 
to a Pennsylvania hollow
to meet the host of this event

Then he told me the reason 
He said " tis the breeding season".
When they party at Jan Klement's.

There's a party at Jan Klement's.
There's a party at Jan Klement's.
Now it all began to make sense.
There's a party at Jan Klement's.


Why Sasquatch Matters: A Few Thoughts
Christopher Noel speaks!

Bigfoot: Otherworldly, and of the Earth.
Since we're reading his book, IMPOSSIBLE VISITS, we thought we'd post this short but interesting statement from the book's author. Thanks to Chris Kummer of for the tip!



Me no like dogs. Me see dog, me take and tear in half. You read about it in Bigfoot book, it true, hu-man. Ask book guy, he know. Dog chase me, it die. Or cower under porch and whimper. Like "Dogs" on Big Foot Forum place. Me laugh and bust gut hernia. Me hear silly little "bark bark" and me squish. That what some hu-man sound like too when Bigfoot actually listen. Problem is dog not taste good. Hu-man not neither. Else me eat more all the time, and they too busy run away to argue on dumb internet place.


This blog is copyright and all that jazz, save for occasional small elements borrowed for "research" and information or satirical purposes only, 2010, Bigfoot Books and Steven Streufert. Borrowings will be tolerated without the revenge of Angry Bigfoot, if credit, citation and a kindly web-link are given, preferably after contacting us and saying, Hello, like a normal person would before taking a cup of salt

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

NEWS FLASH! BIGFOOT FORUMS TO RELAUNCH. Will it be a BFF Zombie, or a New Thing?

BIGFOOT'S BLOG NEWS FLASH!... with another Update, below.

Just in today, only one day after the BFF/Bigfoot Forums was shut down "indefinitely" by its founder, Brian Brown/"Bipto," it is now being leaked that the site will be revived!


BIGFOOT FORUMS/BFF RESURRECTION! It died one day, then revived the next! Will it be a brain-eating zombie, or something new? What will they do to clear out all the old problems and problematic characters??? Will RedWolf, MasterBarber, BlackDog and Teresa still remain? Will they be tolerated even when they abuse the Forum and its members? Will their antics just overwhelm the site, however new and revamped? We shall see. This is all stranger, even, than Bigfoot.

The notice was posted by THE BIGFOOT SHOW on its Facebook page today. A new logo, a new attitude, a new web server, and a new administration are in the works.

We quote from Bipto's BFF UPDATE POST of today:
"There are plans in the works to relaunch the Bigfoot Forums as an all-new website. To be kept up to date, "like" the new Bigfoot Forums page on Facebook."

From the BIGFOOT FORUMS FACEBOOK PAGE: "Get ready for the re-launch of - a new home, new administration, new format, new attitude.
In the meantime, 'like' this page and we can keep you up-to-date on our progress. Hopefully the new website will be up and running in a couple of weeks and ready for new registration. There are people busy working behind the scenes to make this happen for the benefit of the bigfoot community."

No further news or information is being put forth as yet, but we will be inquiring on our readers' behalf, and hope to have all the updates for you ASAP when they become available.

Let us hope for the best! Apparently the Founder has found someone else to take this task from his hands, as it was previously rumored that he wanted to do. We wish Brian Brown well, whatever he does, and whether or not he is involved with this new version of the BFF. And we DO indeed sincerely hope that he will continue to do THE BIGFOOT SHOW, the best (or at least the funniest) Sasquatch-related podcast show on the internet.

HERE, and
HERE, or find them in the side links to the left of this page.

UPDATE! August 19th:

There is a thread on the skeptical JREF FORUM (James Randi Educational Foundation) dealing with the BFF Meltdown, featuring many of the former BFF characters, moderators and administrators. CHECK IT OUT HERE!
Be sure to read all the way to page four there. You will see the words of RedWolf, Paul Vella, Brian Brown (Bipto) and others. Fascinating. News in precis: Paul Vella, former Chief Admin., is helping get the BFF set up, with all of its former content, on a new server, with new owners. He will NOT be staying on as an authority figure on the site. Apparently all new registrations will be required for users, and those formerly banned will have a chance to return. This could be a fresh, new start; and those involved are asking that a new attitude of fairness, peace and human kindness prevail. Of course, skepticism of this possibility abouds!
The whole thread is quite revealing of the BFF characters, good, bad, and sometimes kinda ugly.

Read Bipto/Brian Brown's recent post HERE.

Another post appeared on the BFF2.0 Facebook page:
"When the website re-opens, all existing members will need to re-register - registration will be open to all, including those who have previously been banned. If you have existing grudges with other members or the old administration, leave them at the door please, this is going to be a fresh start for BFF, and we hope, for the entire bigfoot community."


The BIGFOOT'S BLOG NEWS FLASH SERIES will be part of our never-ending struggle to be concise and pertinent to the news of the day, not just long-term philosophical quandaries. Look for these from now on to appear on this blog. One might also become a "fan/friend" our our BIGFOOT'S BLOG FACEBOOK PAGE to get even more urgent and excruciatingly crucial information on a daily, sometimes hourly, sometimes way-too-often basis.

This blog copyright, save for "fair use" materials, 2003-2010, Bigfoot Books and Steven Streufert.
Please cite the blog's main page with a link if quoting or borrowing. Thanks!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

BFF R.I.P.? BIGFOOT FORUMS CLOSED. Outing Its Former Controllers, and What Is a JIMITE? plus... A BIGFOOT POEM

BIGFOOT'S BLOG, Mid-August 2010 Edition

Well, here we go again! Another round of big, crazy Bigfoot news. It's been a full two years since the "Georgia Gorilla" Bigfoot Body Hoax. We'll cover that fiasco next time around. See below or a brief update and some assigned reading on Mr. Biscardi.

Image: What is wrong with this picture?

The BFF may be closing forever. Even though the former tyrant, "Teresa," was deposed, along with henchwoman "JayleeD," most of the old fixtures like "Blackdog" and "Bittermonk" still remained in place, and were still causing the same old problems of favoritism, back-biting, attack dog-ism, etc. We didn't really monitor this, as we don't go to the site much at all since we were  banned from it for no good reason. However, we have received constant helpful information from the fine folks over at the "BFFA" (Bigfoot Forums Anonymous), erstwhile known as the SEARCH FOR BIGFOOT FORUM. Thanks to all of you, for the information and support! Read on for more, plus some background information on the "Jimite" faction that has caused so much trouble from within the Bigfoot Community, much like a nasty virus, or leprosy, eating away at the health and productivity of the field itself, slowly diminishing its effectiveness. You may be amazed at how many of the same names run through most of the most troubling conflicts in Bigfooting in the last decade or so.

We have two BFF-related reports below, plus a poem, News, and a new Bigfoot toy. Read onward...

Don't forget to become a Fan/Friend of BIGFOOT'S BLOG FACEBOOK PAGE to keep up with things on a nearly daily basis. This is where we will post flash news and updates while our three-a-month blogs sit churning on the back burner.


Here is a poem we recently found in the massive files of paper here in our bookshop. We wrote this late one night after awakening from a bizarre dream. We present it here as we found it, unrevised, in rough draft form. It could be trimmed down from four pages to one, but we kind of like it this way in its raw form.


Bespoken of by wild wood, feared,
 beloved of wolf, eagle and bear,
Bearing in him the ghost
 of the lost grizzly shadow,
Of condor, and incomprehensibly tall
 suggesting a thousand-yeared history
Beyond recollection even of those
 small men who first crossed over
The bridge of land and ice after him
 crossing continents, spanning vague water
Lands frozen, indistinguished, and also disdaining
 the pale white ones following, and their oil slicked,
Blackened world of roads, ashed stumps,
 denuded and gated, raped piles
Upon blasted towering monuments
 to false comic book televised gods.
He hates this, and you, if you believe it,
 but he loves what is left of what is
 still good in your blood.

His foot shakes beneath all
 other animals, quavers the hearts
Of beasts and men, boasts of strength
 allied with two thousand year trunks
Redwood, and fir forests, of which his
 is the beating conscious heart.
In the sand, rarely, a mark;
 there is so little seen, blending
With brown and shadow and stone
 he moves merged with myriad forms.
His scat is rapidly eagen again as holy.
You will not see him, his bones vanish
 into mulch, no fossil contains his
Vast form, as upon rock, through
 rivulets and over log and rip rap
He ponders invisibility and watchs
 you from beyond camp fire and villages.
Only his teeth, a jawbone, maybe, remain.
Unseen, unknown, older than the fields
 that were ripped away to geologic
Foundations torn and shucked aside
 to form what now are called mountains,
Yosemite, or temporary bases for cities.

If  fortune lapses and you catch
 a fleeting image it will not be
His, but yours, a reflection of a child's
 Boogeyman, a beast of tabloid fame,
A fear magnified by distance and
 tortured separation, solitude,
Among all that prosper and thrive
He eats and breathes vast quantities
 of that freedom unfelt, unbelievable;
Outside, in cold uncaring of it, through flood
 and snow, uncivilized, bearing across
Years and remembering more than knowing,
 this thing has been here a million years.
At least, look up, see sun burning; look
 down, feel roots burrow and wrack, touch
Fire, ash, deep compost of all that lived;
 you won't come close, but at least have
Tried to approximate to the impossible.

There is more than your scheduled dreams
 metered days, accruing debt to ignorance;
His stride courses decades, levels all
 into undeluded, timeless, mortal deeds.
Eat, inhale, drink, lift yourself
 into the sun while it is here.
Nothing lasts; but this adaptable,
 strongly struck footprint, though
In sand or mud, has beaten across
 all of human memory, song, and legend.
It has been and watched and known,
 and now strikes out beyond to outlast.
Stands and sees beyond, through;
 you see him not from your passing car window.
He eats your pale illusion of freedom
 like a tidbit, and moves down the steep hill bracken
 for more.

-- Steven Streufert, circa 2008, found in the piles and files


BFF R.I.P.???
Founder BRIAN BROWN, "BIPTO," Rejoins, Sees the Problems, Closes Site

Despite our recent protestations, we find this news saddening... Is the BFF DEAD?

We perhaps played a bit of a David to Goliath role here (or rather, more like the straw that broke the camel's back!)... perhaps; but we hope that the site may be preserved somehow, if not as an active discussion forum, then perhaps as a permanent archive of great information. When founder Brian Brown was here in our shop he did not seem at all angry with us over our criticisms made on this blog, and seemed to chuckle a bit at our satirical images presented here. He seemed, indeed, to know just what we were talking about it. Changes were going to be made, he said. Well, we didn't exactly expect what we found in our inbox this morning, and it is not what we had hoped would happen. Apparently, the problems just seemed too vast, too deeply ingrained, and the factions too entrenched, for any real change to occur? Or perhaps it would have taken full-time super-human powers of administration to effect any real change?

This today from "Bipto," Brian Brown, the Bigfoot Forums' founder:

"Also, as you all know, I have recently "returned" to the forum. This was a mistake. I wasn't happy with what had happened to the forum's reputation and thought I had a solution that would have put the site on a firm footing for the future. That may all still happen, but I don't know when. Bottom line is my personal and professional obligations do not, at this time, allow me to give this site the attention it requires. Also, I have no idea to whom I can give the forum. Honestly, I don't know if I *want* to give the forum to anyone. The fate of the BFF is tied to me in a way it isn't with anyone else. I have come to the difficult conclusion that best course of action for me to take is to put the forum on a hiatus during which no posting will be allowed. For all intents and purposes, the BFF is closed until further notice. I will leave the site up as long as I am able. All the content will be visible, but posting and new registration will be suspended. There was a time when the BFF was necessary. I believe that time has passed. When a redwood tree falls, thousands of little ones sprout on its stump to take its place. It's time for whatever comes after the BFF to sprout."

Yes, there are OTHER forums out there, and Bigfoot discussion will not end on the internet. One thing we can say, though, is that it is good to see the former oligarchic tyrants of the BFF, those who took over after Brian Brown and Paul Vella left their roles as Chief Administrators, brought down from their haughty perches. They can all go and seek refuge where they belong: OVER ON THE JREF FORUMS! We do sincerely hope, though, that someone with the time, ambition, and broad-mindedness might be found to revive and host the BFF in the future. Recent rumors that Brian Brown was going to hand over the BFF to the Alliance of Independent Bigfoot Researchers (AIBR) have proven to be unfounded, as confirmed to us personally by AIBR co-founder Kathy Moskowitz Strain. 

Almost all former Administrators have been demoted to Moderator status on the BFF, save for Brian himself and the other good and fair guy, "Tugboatwa." This hopefully will prevent any malicious changes being made to the site while it sits in hiatus limbo.

Read below for more background on just whom these former BFF usurpers are, and their history of running conspiratorial coups d'etat from within Bigfoot organizations. Oh, what fun!

And no, BFF "Parnassus," this is not a case of "the cheese had fallen off his cracker." Those Nazi and Commie images were meant as JOKES. It is called "SATIRE," fool! You say, "I guess he's just playing for attention/hits. Reminds me of Glenn Beck." Well, that is rich. But yes, it WAS propaganda. We WERE trying to get the information out to the largest possible group. Sometimes exaggeration just plain WORKS. See? Sometimes one has to destroy to rebuild. Sometimes one just needs to clear the crap out of one's pathway. The pieces below were written before today's closure announcement, but we'll just post them as is.


A Preliminary Overview of the Culprits and Oligarchs

Image: from the excellent "The Jimite Chronicles" web site. Link Below!

NOTE: This part of the blog contains quotations from others in the know and from two web sites in particular. It is offered for the information of those who may have encountered problems on the BFF or in Bigfoot organizations in the past. It is not meant as having any implication opon the personal lives of any of the people mentioned, but rather refers to their ONLINE BEHAVIOR within the Bigfooting Community. Take what you find below with a few grains of salt.

Who are all of these administrators and moderators on the Bigfoot Fourms (BFF) that we had such problems with? Hiding being anonymous user names like "RedWolf," "BlackDog," and "MasterBarber," they thought they could exercise total control of others while running rampant in violation of Forums rules themselves. After founder Brian Brown, and then subsequent Chief Administrator, Paul Vella, left, the site was taken over by a group that operates in the shadows, moving through organizations in the background, and making their opinions and power grabs known under pseudonyms like those above. They and their friends and cronies eventually came to control the site, up until the recent return of its founder. A stink was raised by many disaffected and banned members, such as ourselves and other members of the Search for Bigfoot Forum (SFBF), and a threatened boycott has apparently accellerated the process of change. Efforts are being made now to clear up this mess, and "Teresa" and "JayleeD," two notorious "dictatorial" BFF operators, have been deposed from positions of power (yes, they "resigned," but we all know how that works when someone is given the opportunity to fall on their own sword). We are hoping a full clearing of the house will occur.

BUT, you might ask, WHO ARE THESE PEOPLE? And why should it matter? We hate anonymity, and believe in ethical accoutability and respect in discourse. So, we are going to "out" them to the extent that we may. Our involvement in the BFF Boycott Movement (call it what you want!) led us to a secretive, ulterior world of black operators, a veritable Illuminati-Bilderberg Group Conspiracy of Bigfooting. It goes back, in large measure, to the "Jimite" Jihad movement. WTF, BFF? We hear you asking....

A brief snippet quoted from the SFBF:
"jimite legacy:
* they ruined the bfro and left
* they ruined the aibr and left
* they are currently infesting the bff as its leadership"

Yes, it may seem odd, but many of those who led the post-Kentucky-video defection/expulsion of curators from the BFRO, and then tried to pull a coup d'etat of the AIBR (Alliance of Independent Bigfoot Researchers), were the VERY SAME PEOPLE who eventually came to rest as dictators and Head Trolls on the BFF. Much of the controversy on the BFF started when connections of these cronies to the Michigan Recording Project (MRP) became manifest in a cover-up of questioning about that project and its results. The Forums administration was actively practicing censorship, and reading ostensibly private PMs (Personal Messages) sent by members of the Forums. Eventually, full scale "slander and libel" were the result, and personal recriminations and vendettas came to dominate the discourse. We, living out in the middle of nowhere in Willow Creek, were largely unaware of these problems. We may live in the heart of "Bigfoot Country," or the "Bigfoot Capital of the World," but we did not involve ourselves deeply in these all-too-human alliances and secret societies operating at the core of Bigfooting on the interent and in the various BF orgs. We just did our own research, and used the Forums to notify folks about our blog. We had been warned. Perhaps we should have stayed away? In the end we stepped in a big pile of doggie doo-doo, left by all the "dogs" on the BFF, "RedWolf" and the lot. Luckily, we have a fresh new pair of Converse high-tops and are heading off in new directions. Let this  be our last commentary on the BFF situation. Let's run down the list of folks and find out who they all are, if we may.

Here are two great links for readers to refer to now, or after the list below. These are both apparently anonymous blogs/web sties run by folks in the know. They have obviously had interactions with these BFF/Jimite factions in the past, and we are trusting that the sites are factual, though very satirical, and not made up of evidence fabricated in any way. Check them out!

Here is the Rogues Gallery...
The Rogue's Gallery: Know your Jimites and Their Whacky Pals

NOTE: UPDATE, Aug. 22nd--This page has mysteriously vanished from the internet! Check the link to see if it is still up. Maybe their server has crashed due to too many hits?

...from the fine site, The Jimite Chronicles: The Arrogance, the Hypocrisy, the Hoax..
Be sure to pursue all of the links found on the left side to view all of their sub-pages. Notice the major overlap with the BFF Oligarchical Controllers? "T" obviously is "Teresa" Hall. The "Jim" of "Jimites is Jim Flowers, along with Stacey Flowers, or "Missus Jim," below. "PaulUK" is clearly Paul Vella, onetime Chief Administrator. For "RedWolf," see below. Right now we are not fully sure just whom we think "BlackDog" and "MasterBarber," two of our own antagonists, are. 

Some of these statements may be a little dated, but you'll get the gist.
We QUOTE (these are not OUR words), a little:
"The Jim: It goes without saying, he is the Jim, the head of the gang. The Jim doesnt say that much these days, but when he does it to deride someone. At end time he had walked away from the MRP alledgedly, now it's the real deal, it even predates them.
Missus The Jim, the Stacinator: The "scout", the nice one, she seems nice.... and asks a lot of questions, essentially the Jimite spy.
"T": Beware this one, also seems nice, review her posts on the BFF and elsewhere, theres the nice side you see, and the other one behind your back. She is openly a jimite, also a BFF moderator, and if nothing else, their permanent beachead on the BFF.
Guy In Indiana: Normally just another troll, fairly whiny when his pals get some comeuppance. Recently hoaxed by a guy in a monkey suit, but somehow, it's REAL when it happens to him. Also an Incredible Hulk forum aficionado.
Ty: Another troll, one of the more foul mouthed ones at that.
Wildman: Another of the more foul mouthed of the Jimites, not quite the puss filled doughnut that is Blackdog, but he tries.
Bittermonk: Has been called "one of the most two faced folks in bigfootery".
Blackdog: One wonders if he actually goes in the woods at all, or just spends time online as a troll. Recently returned to the BFF, after a long ban. One of the scummiest, nastiest of the Jimites.
Wolftrax: See Crowley Crusade, one of the lead lap dogs. Given to Conspiracy theory, possibly demented and the biggest crybaby of the bunch.
Timber Ghost: Runs the Kiamichi board, a "one comment wonder".
PatB: Acts like a sweet old hippy lady, she isn't. Has been proven the one true liar in the MRP and in falsifying the altering of evidence, is herself, a hoaxer.
PaulUK: Heads the BFF, allows the climate of gossip, dogpiles and the like. A UK native and one wonders why he has any importance in Bigfootery at all. HE freely ignores the rules of his own forum when he doesnt make them up as he goes.
Jayleed: PaulUk's "Annie Oakley", another BFF admin, also part of the problem. She is also "T"'s best friend and a closet jimite in the guise of a biased BFF admin.
Pywacket: Seems to have a problem remembering where he puts trail cams. Not nessicarily a Jimite, but an opportunist to cozy up to people, truly a creepy individual.
SuzieQ: Loyal lapdog, seems to prefer to stay on the BFD fishbowl where it's safe
Nightwing: Their resident artist, actually the one imite there might be hope for, but usually goes along with the groupthink.
Redwolf: She likes to make implied threats against folks of the BFF and BFD, another loon. A chest thumping self deluded bully.
Tube: See Crowley Crusade" ["Tube" is Matt Crowley, no doubt.]

We will quote again. Here is their list of the "Next Generation" of BFF/Jimite cultists, post-Paul Vella Administration:

"The current controlling roster:
Teresa: The witch in chief
Jayleed: Ol Annie Oakley herself, bitter over being called on her MRP related censorship, Loyal Jimite Foot Soldier, co-conspirator in the MRP hoax.
Counselor: Old school BFF Mod, attempted to censor the MRP on other forums
Mikek21: Old school Jimite Kool aid drinker
Moregon: Old School BFF Mod, will he/she/it survive the new Regime?
Oregonfooter: Loyal pod
Tugboatwa [Jerry Riedel]: The one old school decent mod, it's amazing he's survived this long.
Ace!: Loyal Pod
Bipedalist ["William"]: Snarky pod, with his own Agendas, but loyal Kool aid drinker
Bittermonk: Old School Jimite, co-conspirator in the failed AIBR coup de tat
GuyinIndiana: Bitter MRP hoaxer, "claims" he had a sighting, Incredial Hulk forum afficionado
HRPuffstuff: Bitter and nasty little Pod, has own agenda
Master Barber: New comer to the Mod squad, has own agenda, had role in running out Red rat fink
Redwolf: Just a plainly mean haggy ol' bitch. She is the bully of the Mods, constantly posturing as a delusional badass, when actually nothing more than a true bully and a useless hick. Co-Conspirator in the MRP hoax.
And alas, what of Timmy? What of the Red Rat Fink"

By the last they mean "Red Rat Snake," or Tim. A nice guy, who tried to be nice on the BFF, and paid dearly for his efforts.

And here is one last list, of the supposed ancillary characters and their "roles" in the BFF control-cult:

"The Roster:
The Jim (thug-misdirector)
Stacinator (ambassador-troll)
PatB (ambassador then victim)
Wildman (thug)
Bittermonk (info gatherer)
Tube (occasional hanger on)
Blackdog (thug and troll)
Volsquatch (troll)
Wolftrax (troll and victim)
Red Wolf (thug)
Teresa (victim)
mike2k1 (info gatherer)
GuyInIndiana (troll-misdirector-info gatherer)
ty (troll)
susan (hanger on)
jayleed (troll-misdirector-thug)
nightwing (ambassador)
shaman (thug-hanger on)
thigmo (ambassador)"

Be sure to read their KNOW YOUR JIMITE GLOSSARY, on the lower end of the same page. It will explain many of the parenthetical usages above. You will know no more about Bigfoot by reading this, but you will know a whole lot more about all-too-human HUMAN NATURE. We learned the "hard way," by having to try to deal rationally with these cult-think petty idea gangsters; but read on to the next paragraph there to see their hypothetical example of "A typical session of dog pile." Fascinating! And ALL TOO familiar! And lo, these were the very same "people" (troll-dogs) who came after us and tried to set us up to be banned. Hilarious. Or not. Maybe it is just plain lame and juvenile. Again, THE LINK IS HERE.

Here is another gallery of culprits, a bit more sardonic, a bit more brief:
"Or Maybe There is a Player's Page," found on the "There Is No Bigfoot" web site domain.
This page acts as a sardonic warning for anyone who would blithely enter into discussion on the BFF.
The site reveals the following additional information: "BitterMonk" is Sam Rich, and "JayleeD" is Jay Lee Doster.

We quote the intro.:

"Below are a few short paragraphs describing some of the more prominent, albeit dubious Bigfoot enthusiasts, nimrods, hunters, gatherers, players, bat-boys, key grips and ...caterers whose lives apparently not only revolve around Bigfoot and its discussion, but with wreaking havoc on the sense and sensibility of the average reader and listener. Most are offenders, that is, members of the Bigfoot Forums ... discussion board."

One responder to our earlier inquiries said the following....

Who are the Jimites?
"Jim Flowers, Wildman, Blackdog, Stacey Flowers, Susan, TY, Teresa, Redwolf, GuyinIndiana, Bittermonk, Wolftrax, Pat Barker, Nightowl, Nightwing, among others.... Starting to make sense?"

Who "messed up" the BFRO and AIBR?
"The names above, some were in the AIBR (and left in a mass exodus, singing "woe is me") and the BFRO (same "woe is me" situation), some not. Just about all of these names above, are in the SRI (if it's still functioning)."

Just who ARE these characters?
"Redwolf is Kathy Harper. One time BFRO member, One time AIBR member. All around self important, little miss something else I cant type here. I have no clue who Masterbarber is... He came out of nowhere, but is quickly proving himself to be a royal jerk. Blackdog.. Well, now thats a difficult question. I know his first name, thats it. Blackdog was a BFRO member - and reminds his pals (some named above) how he left the BFRO and warned all of them, but they didnt listen to him. He lords that over their heads like a newly sharpened axe."

OK, then, ENOUGH SAID FOR NOW. If YOU have any further leads please do let us know through the email contact on this blog, or by leaving Comments, below. The above should be clue enough for some. Thanks! With Bipto, Brian Brown, now in charge, let us hope for postive changes! With old-school moderators like Tugboatwa, Jerry Riedel, in there, we can hopefully hope that good ethics and common sense and fairness will prevail in the end.


The full JIMITE CHRONICLES links, beyond he Rogues Gallery:
Their History: The Hall of Infamy (great info on the BFRO coup and AIBR schism, etc.)
The BFFWatch Blog (limited posts)
The Footery Exposer (limited posts)

Follow the amazingly convoluted MRP thread on the Bigfoot Forums HERE.
Read a concise Michigan Recording Project controversy history HERE.
Melissa Hovey blogs about the BFF and MRP HERE.
Drop in on the JREF BFF Debate HERE.



I for one am not gloating, so much as having fun with this. Though it is a serious matter, and many have been hurt along the way on the BFF or by being banned and suppressed or mocked, I feel a light-hearted approach to them disarms their viciousness. What was I to do? Take being banned seriously and get depressed over it? Nah. I just went to "war" and gave them a dose of the satire they needed. Oftentimes it is humor that is the most effective means of commentary. It is hard to argue with a joke; but that joke can show reality and human behavior in stark relief.

Do I think the BFF matters? Well, yes, it does; as they are so well known, and so prominent, the site does in many ways and cases stand for the BF Community and researchers in general. It is one way the world knows about us and Bigfoot, and an area that collects a lot of the new and perhaps naive who don't yet know better. It should be a universal domain where all of us may comment and share information, and sanely discuss things. It saddened me to see it becoming the prowling and stomping grounds of a small group who obviously cared more about their own egos and sense of power than any actual human beings on there, or the topic itself.

When I saw the self-importance of these BFF admins/mods I just wanted to bring them down a notch. Well, when I see BF bull-pookey I just can't resist--I comment on it on my blog. THAT is what got me banned, not anything I even did on the Forums. While there may not always be opportunities to prove this elusive creature exists, there are always areas within the field of study where we can comment on and attempt to correct the ideas and theories of others whom we feel are just plain wrong. This is a big part of the problem. There has to be a line, somewhere, where mutual respect reigns over petty differences. This can be difficult to achieve when some things said are just so clearly wrong, and egos are involved.

Hence, for example, I do like MK Davis well enough as a person, though I tried to tear his "Massacre Theory" to shreds. When I interviewed and talked to him, however, I tried to maintain a spirit of civil debate. Discussion and debate bring progress, when civility is maintained. This is how knowledge grows and progresses. It is unfortunate that quite often there is no room for this kind of discussion before the defensive and aggressive slings and arrows start to fly and flay.

It's exciting to see change happen, and to think that I was not just banned into obscurity. To speak up and have a say, and then to see results--that is nice. Do I expect the world to suddenly be a better place? Nah. But maybe the BFF can improve, un-ban those of us who were unjustly booted, and learn to respect new people who may not yet be masters of the sinister, predatory game played by some. And I am happy to see vindication for Melissa, who obviously has had much more reason to be angry about the BFF and Mistress T. than I ever did. If what I did on my blog helped in even a small way to bring justice into this situation, then yes, I am excited about it.

Did I make a little "tabloidy" hay out of this? Sure. But I really think we need to get our act together, all of us Bigfooters, or our arguments and bickering will just be food for the Lan Lampheres out there seeking to make news and entertainment by playing us off against each other. And every ridiculous new "Bigfoot War" just makes us, and BIGFOOT, look all the more silly to the outside world.


STEVE KULLS, the SQUATCHDETECTIVE, has just announced that he will be outing the main writer and founder of THE BIGFOOTERY ENQUIRER on his BlogTalk Radio show on September 5th. We talked to Kulls earlier this month, but will not disclose here any information he shared with us. We put out a few stringers at his request, to folks out here on the West Coast, but none of them felt that the person mentioned was the right guy. One said, "he isn't literate enough" to write that blog. Well, Mr. Kulls has EVIDENCE that supposedly confirms his suppositions. WE SHALL SEE. Be sure to tune in to his show on that date. We will post a reminder of it on our BIGFOOT'S BLOG FACEBOOK PAGE

The BFE has been trying preemptively to "out" itself (in apparent response to our campaign to expose them), vaguely, anyway, using a silly bunch of riddles in their "Treasure Hunt" game. Well, you might try, too. Go to the site through the link, above. If they are exposed then they won't be able to snark so freely.

Also: word has it that Kulls' new book, "FIFTY LARGE," will be finished soon. It is a thorough recap and analysis of the Georgia Bigfoot Hoax and his relations with that notorious figure, TOM BISCARDI. This should be good! For now, check out Kulls' page, BISCARDI EXPOSED for all the details to this point.


This one should make a good Christmas season present for your young Squatchers! However, we have been told by one witness in Target that their kid was horribly scared by the thing as it jumped up and down in its box and roared and pounded its chest. And this is only the in-store DEMO behavior!

See it on Amazon, for about a hundred bucks...
Fisher-Price Imaginext BIGFOOT the Monster

Product Features: "The Imaginext Big Foot includes a remote control, ball, speech and lots of personality. Remote toggle allows him to walk forward and backwards and the six buttons are happy, angry, sleep, fun, ball, and exercise. Hear him roar and watch him pound his fists or raise his arms above his head and shake his fists. Press the ball button and hear him say things like "play" and watch him throw the ball. Press the button on his belly and hear him laugh, the button in his mouth makes him chew and burp (don't worry, he remembers to say "excuse me")."

From the Manufacturer: "Imagine a little monster with a BIG personality. That’s BIGFOOT. He’s happy. He’s angry. He’s sleepy. He’s fun. He talks and walks and throws a ball, chews and burps and exercises. And kids can bring him to life with an easy-to-use wireless remote control. The symbols on the buttons show you what BIGFOOT will do when you push them -- no reading required. BIGFOOT includes one (9.6Volt) NiMH rechargeable battery and battery charger. Remote Control requires 2 AA alkaline batteries."

[Spoken in the manner of the Sierra Sounds....]

(Angry Bigfoot Was too Angry to Speak in Hu-man.)

Angry Bigfoot channeled this time by Denali Brown, age 8.)

This blog is copyright and all that jazz, save for occasional small elements borrowed for "research" and information or satirical purposes only, 2010, Bigfoot Books and Steven Streufert. Borrowings will be tolerated without the revenge of Angry Bigfoot, if credit, citation and a kindly web-link are given, preferably after contacting us and saying, Hello, like a normal person would before taking a cup of salt