Ha ha ha! Bigfoot Forums, We Don't Need You!
NOTE: This blog entry is a bit of a collage. We compiled it as it was happening, and now feel it better to just leave it as it is. Be sure to read below for the newer UPDATES, and especially the fine and interesting COMMENTS at the very end. Also, see below for two NEWS items.

The BFF is a Petty Oligarchical Dictatorship!
"Time for bigfoot to come down and kick some serious butt. Politics has no place in Sasquatchland." --blog reader, Dave Short
What happened? Find out by investigating the links and emails below. Briefly:"Time for bigfoot to come down and kick some serious butt. Politics has no place in Sasquatchland." --blog reader, Dave Short
* We posted links to our blog on the Forums, thinking this was a nice thing to do, to share.
* We were attacked by supporters of Bob Hieronimus, and then by some anonymous coward named BlackDog, and others.
* These attacks were off-topic, pointless, personal, and supported by Forum administrators.
* We were accused of being on the Forums solely to pimp books, a total untruth and insult--we were on there because of a love of Bigfoot and Bigfooting. In fact, that is the reason we opened our store in Willow Creek: it is Bigfoot Bait.
* We were accused by cronies of doing things we did not do, words like "a**hole" were tossed about by others; and who got a "warning"? We did. And for no reason at all.
* We did not kiss the butt of the Administrator... SHOCK resounded on the thread. How could you dare to do such a thing, was the implication.
* We blogged about it, calling them all TROLLS on our blog. We kept posting our links on the Forum, figuring it would eventually get noticed, but also figuring this was our right of free speech, and that we were not doing any of this ON the BFF.
* We commented again that the discourse on the BFF is often a "nutty furor" or "insane discussion." This got noticed. The Dogs, BlackDog, Red Wolf, and this "Teresa" came after us. We had said NONE of this on the BFF. This was done on our blog. Most annoying for the BFF, we mentioned another forum and said it was better: The Search for Bigfoot Forum.
* Another discussion ensued on the BFF, and we politely answered a few questions, made a light-hearted joke, and then suddenly...
* We were summarily suspended and then banned, with no warning, and after doing nothing out of bounds on the actual Forums. This was a clear case of thin-skinned egos getting hurt, and a dictatorial backlash from a small clique of controlling maniacs who are profoundly undemocratic and despotic in their actions on the Forums, suppressing free debate whilst allowing their ring-kissing cronies to get away with everything short of rhetorical murder.
* It was all too clear that this was about control and revenge and ego-defense. It had nothing to do with fair and free discussion of the Bigfoot topic. It was based on pre-existing grudges and apparent psychotic personal problems of people who had nothing better to do than try to harass us and get us banned from the site.
* We went along with it; yes, we taunted them, AFTER we had been harassed. It was fun. But ultimately, it demonstrated their pettiness. We did not call them out until after they had proven their unfairness. By then it was a forgone conclusion that we'd eventually annoy them, so we just kept on doing what we do.
We never said "they" were crazy. We said the "furor" was "nutty," and that particular discussion "insane."
There is a VERY large difference. They just do not see it, petty egotists that they are.
On our blog we spoke of how nasty they were over ENOCH on BFF. We called it a nutty furor. Then we said that things were more civil on the SEARCH FOR BIGFOOT FORUM. The BFF just can't handle the truth, it would seem. Banned for something we said on our blog, NOT on the Forums? That is truly insane! Sick! And they have the nerve to call us a hypocrite? Unbelievable. They are enemies of free speech, free discussion, and free inquiry. Profoundly undemocratic. A site ruled by petty, favoritistic, ignoramous dictators and trolls.
Read about it here:
NOTE: this topic thread has been made MEMBERS ONLY on THE SEARCH FOR BIGFOOT FORUM. To read it you will need to sign up. And sign up you should! This is what we like to call "The Sane BF Forum," and is vastly superior in its discourse than the BFF.
Here is the link that got us banned. What did we do? Let us know what you think; and by all means let the BFF know, too.
And see what we said that so infuriated their fragile egos, in the part near the top where we are discussing ENOCH: Oregon Sasquatch Symposium 2010, Day One.
Here is where we talked about the "Troll Attack" upon us:
Going Hunting for Bigfoot, Finding TROLLS Instead!"
Here is the FIRST thread, where we were attacked by the doggies and the dictators. Crazy!
Melissa Hovey just blogged about us and this situation on her SEARCH FOR BIGFOOT BLOG.
Read: New Article at "Bigfoot's Blog"
And now, July 2nd, there is an UPDATE:
You've GOT to read the last one! Amazing! The view from a one-time insider who knows what's up.
Read the COMMENTS, below this blog entry (you may have to click the comments link at bottom to view them). Or better yet, leave one of your own!
Additional Information:
Since we seem to be distracted by Bigfoot reports in the shop here today, here is an email we sent out this morning explaining this situation somewhat. Enjoy!
Ha ha! Funny, eh?
The Search for Bigfoot Forum link is now MEMBERS ONLY (so that people can actually talk and avoid harassment). You should sign up with them, then you can participate or view it.
I will tell the story on my blog, further, but the gist of it is this:
* There is a group of petty dictators who rule the place
* Posting rules and norms of decorum don't apply to them
* They can say what they want due to "seniority" and whom they know
* They were allowed to attack and insult me, but I was not allowed to defend myself or my positions
* I was accused of being on the BFF only to "peddle my wares," when in fact it is demonstrable that I have not made a single red cent there
* They refuse to recognize that I am primarily a scholar in the Bigfoot field when on there, nor do they see the contributions I make on my blog, which I share freely with all
* It is their own damnable loss not to have my stuff on there
After the first offense they made against me, with no provocation, I was kind of stunned. I'd heard the rumors of these vicious tendencies on the BFF, and how the "regime change" there recently had left the place much worse off for wear. But I had no idea this kind of official bias and favoritism was allowed. I commented on that on my blog, calling them "Trolls." That is what they are. Only, they are Trolls in control of the venue, not the lurking kind. Note: I did NOT really come out and do this on the BFF, but I did make a little joke: "When out Bigfoot Hunting, watch out for Trolls." Pretty harmless, I think.
On my blog, just recently, I was writing about Autumn Williams' new book, ENOCH. I defended her against what I called the "nutty furor" and spoke of what I called an "insane discussion" thread going on there. In my latest posting re. my new blog post, a couple of questions came up. I answered those politely. Then this nasty "BlackDog," who had harassed me the last time, came back and took offense at what I'd said about the Forum ON MY BLOG. BDog also seemed to resent that I referred there to a better discussion going on over at the SFBF Forum. They hate the fact that someone has started their own forum, and a better one.
I did not say anything nasty there. I only said, no, I will not go there, and BlackDog, stop barking and nipping at my heels. So, it is clear, I think, that I was banned from the Forum not because of violating any rules, but just because I exercised my right to say what I like on MY OWN VENUE! This is simply and purely... CENSORSHIP. What caused the initial attacks is a bit mysterious; but I have it on good word that there were reasons of bias pre-existing due to what I had written on my blog about David Paulides and MK Davis.
Of course, I knew what I was doing. I was angry and amused with the first instance, so I blogged about it. Then I very consciously mentioned them on my next posting and pointed out the insanity that goes on over there sometimes. Then I posted the links to this post on their Forum. I figured they would notice it, and it would probably piss off the thin-skinned ones there. I did not figure on getting BANNED FOR LIFE simply for blogging as I like. That was a little unexpected, but still quite amusing.
I know how to choose my allies; all the other ones wallowing in ignorance and stupid petty domains of iniquity can really just f-off.
Perhaps you could start a thread on the BFF talking about what happened? Or leave comments on my blog posting or on the SFBF Forum? That would be nice. I have declared all-out war on the Bigfoot Forums, and they will surely regret it.
Bigfoot Books
Here is another email, sent last night:
The funny thing is they can't even read!
I posted this to share my blog. A couple did not even get what I very clearly said. I clarified, politely. A further unnecessary question was asked, and I clarified that. Someone took offense to what I said on my blog about "insane furor" going after you on the Forums. I never said anyone on BFF in particular was crazy; I just tried to point out that SOME of it shows a tendency in that direction. And, I did not even say that on their Forum! Ha ha.
So maybe I am being suspended for exercising my free speech rights on my very own venue? BlackDog, who attacked last time, came at me again with the same accusations of profiteering and self-promotion, basically insulting, and issues I'd already addressed on the other thread. I said they should stop nipping at me. That's all! I guess BDog can do it, but I can't even jokingly say I don't want to go there with that argument. Huh?
BDog is out to get me banned, and is free to insult.
RedWolf completely misinterprets me and then suspends me for simply replying to what others have insinuated and implied.
This is too much like Animal Farm for me!
It was a setup, but just too funny to resist.
Was I not polite in what I said?
Obviously, they want to silence or scare me into censoring my blog voice, not just what I say on BFF. Do their posting rules also apply to what I sing in the shower?
Oink oink! Little do they know I have other means of speaking out, and getting revenge if I must.
And here's another email, sent just this afternoon:
Hey, thanks! It's always nice to find support among the nasty insanity.
I'd always kept my distance from the BFF in the past for the same kind of reasons--flame wars are just such a waste of time. Now, it would seem, the administrators themselves are the nasty trolls. For whatever reason, and very small reason at best, they decided I had a bad attitude. This is basically because I speak with conviction and can write and think better than most of them. It is also, mainly, because I was misunderstood, and then would not kiss the ring of Mistress "Teresa."
I'd always thought that "A Forum" was supposed to be an open area of discussion, not a domain for personal vendetta, but it is obvious that this is exactly what the BFF has become. A few people on there, a few of whom were angry with me over work I had done on the MK Davis and Paulides cases, were all it took to get me attacked. Why? Because of anything I had said at that point? No. Just because of crony connections and favoritism, and prior grudges. I commented upon that satirically on my blog, and they just couldn't handle it. They obviously wanted to get me run off the forums and, for fun, I played them in that direction.
Many have already told me that it is a badge of honor to get booted from the BFF. That is one badge I will wear proudly. I can happily go to the Search for Bigfoot Forum, and clearly wouldn't benefit from any further association with BFF madness, anyway. I now advocate a wide-scale boycott of the site. Let the trolls and the skoftic snarkers have it. They deserve what it has become.
Bigfoot BooksONE LAST THING, FOUND IN OUR "SENT" BOX: OUR MESSAGE TO THE TYRANT'S HENCHWOMAN, "REDWOLF" (Just a Sampling of What You May Find on the BFF Thread)
Redwolf, this is so plainly laughable. I have addressed some of these things already, and I did so in a civil way. I should really not even deign to respond, but so long as this inanity is out there I suppose I must.
1. I did not join BFF to sell books, but have never tried to hide the fact that that is my business. I don't hide behind an anonymous profile image, and my full contact information and photo of me are on there. I use BF Books, the shop, as a means of making contact with people in the Bigfooting world and on the Bigfoot topic. I never expected to make a lot of money off a bookshop in a tiny town like Willow Creek. I needed an office for my online book business, and having the shop was about as expensive as renting an office room, so why not? My book business is mainly in scholarly and antiquarian books, and has nothing to do with Bigfoot (save for the odd rare and out of print Bigfoot book). I hence do not expect to have any sales at all in that realm from my appearance on the BFF. Rather, I joined the BFF out of personal interest in the Bigfoot topic. Having a public identity in this way brings in sightings reports and Bigfoot enthusiasts, which I like, and is the main reason I continue to run the shop, even though the shop really only pays for itself, no more. Any Bigfoot items I sell don't come close to the amount I reinvest into obtaining stock on that topic. And, really, I only obtain that stock to stimulate discussion and to make people happy when they come here to find out about Bigfoot. In this I find myself in a position much like Al Hodgson. Al has even commented to me on this. He ran a store in town here, but found that it was also a contact spot for Bigfooting. Hence, even though he was not really that interested in Bigfoot at first, he found himself playing a significant role in the history of the study of the phenomenon. Now, I don't say I am as important as Al or anything, so stop the slander mill there, please. Simply put: I am on BFF to study Bigfoot, and to promote my blog. I don't hide my business, as that is a part of what I do; but it is not primary or even close to a significant part of the reason I am on this Forum. Total sales in Bigfoot this week: $26.45. And that is gross, not net profit. So, you can see, I am not here nor in my shop trying to make money off of Bigfoot. My major seller this week was actually Romance novels. So, shouldn't I be on the Romance Fiction Forum if I am so greedy? It would be nice if rather than harping on this accusation that I am only in it for the money, perhaps some of you could actually read the blog and comment on that. So far only Bipedalist has done that. (Red Wolf: I see you have edited out your "ass kissing" accusation against him, just because he actually read my blog and commented on the subject matter--what courage you show!)
2. I never talked "smack" to Teresa. She pointed out that I had "Bookseller" after my name, and that I had a web link in my signature. Fair enough, as at least she put a "smiley" after it. But before she spoke there were MasterBarber and Parnassus somewhat slanderously commenting in that way, basically trying to discount my research and accuse me of being here only for the money. THAT is what I was responding to. I can only conclude that some of you are not very good at reading, as I have been nothing but rational and sensible in what I've said here so far. And Blackdog, I didn't go after you; I just lumped you in with the Bob Heironimus part of the thread talk because you had gotten involved after MasterBarber's non-sequitur about Bob H., and then you got Kitikaze involved. I don't mind talking about Bob H., but that is not my agenda, as it seems to be with others. Actually, it is a good idea to interview Bob H., and I'd do so if the opportunity presented itself in the right way. I never tried to shut down any discussion, nor to insult anyone. Rather, what happened is that several of you on here came after me with NO PROVOCATION nor reason, and totally off topic, to attack my supposed profit motives. It would be nice if some of you, before attacking, would actually read my blog to see that I do not really even try to promote book sales on there. All I talk about is Bigfoot Research that I and others do, or the area around here, or the history of the topic.
Also, to imply that every post I make here should be made in fear and trembling about what some "elder" or administrator might think or do against me is just plainly ANTI-DEMOCRATIC, and against the spirit of free expression and open discourse. I am not slandering anyone here, but somehow I seem to be under attack. If I defend myself and my position it is only my right and I would add my duty to do so. This is not some top-down, fascistic domain, is it? As far as I can tell I am not violating any posting guidelines or ethics, and am only sincerely interested in the topic at hand. I have tried to respond positively, despite somewhat vicious implications from others that were totally uncalled for, in my opinion. I will say what I think is right, and true, and I will stick with it. Yes, I am interested in "the truth," MasterBarber; but I don't appreciate your sarcastic tone and implication that I am only interested in the truth that I prefer to see. Think what you like. I will think what I think. I will do whatever interview I feel fit to do, or write on topics that seem pertinent to me at the time. If I don't interview Bob H., so be it; it means nothing. There was an implication made earlier that those who don't care to listen to Bob Heironimus must be PG "fanatics," crazy Bigfoot Film believers. This isn't very fruitful, either. There are ample non-fanatical reasons why a sane and serious person might question Greg Long's book and Bob H.'s statements. So far as I am concerned, I have alread read all 500 pages or whatever it is of Long's book and paid special attention to what Bob H. has said. It does not convince me. Enough said. Think what you will. That is fine. I just disagree. OK? Please show me even one, single ethical violation I have made in this discussion. There are, to my eye, none. Someone said I was behaving self-righteously--I just DON'T see that. If I speak in a way that makes you feel insecure, sorry. That is not my intention.
3. "Stroke egos"? NO, but really, to me, Bipedalist clearly stands out in this discussion as the rational one. He actually wanted to discuss something having to do with the blog topic that is the reason this thread was created. And he is polite, rational, sane, not coming after me with slander, not going off on some pet topic. Just entering in a sensible way toward a real discussion. Kudos to him! He doesn't have to agree with me. It's fine, we can discuss. But really, what does my profession or Bob Heironimus have to do with anything? I am honored to have Bipedalist as a reader. I don't kiss his butt, and he doesn't kiss mine. We are just both interested in Bigfoot and talking about it. Isn't that really what this Forum is for?
4. Long standing members, or not, acting like an attack dog for no reason is kind of leaning in the trollish direction, isn't it? After all, Trolls are known to stake out their turf, under bridges or wherever, and to LURK there. Maybe this is what is going on? I don't know. All I know is that I was just ambling along doing my own thing, and then some crazy trolls seemed to jump out of nowhere and attack me for no reason.
"Off to a running start"? Hmmm. I have been using the BFF since 2006. I have had other identities before my current one, once I actually signed up. I don't really post here, save for putting up my blog information, for just such a reason as one can readily see in this thread: stick your head out and say something, and then the looniness starts. I like the BFF. It has fabulous information and good people on it. I'm glad it is here and that I can participate. But this kind of attack for no reason is what many had warned me about before I even became a member. Flame wars and trollish attacks don't benefit anyone. It is frankly a waste of time.
I truly appreciate all points of view, and am willing to study and write about any of them that make sense or need to be challenged. This is just what the intellectual endeavor is about; it shouldn't be about personal attacks and egotistical battles. I humbly submit my blog entries to the world. Read them or not. But try to see clearly, to see the Bigfoot in the forest and the forest for the trees, not just your own reflected image.
Perhaps some of you in this discussion could come clean? Tell me: are you friends of Jim Lansdale or MK Davis? Maybe David Paulides? Is THIS why you are coming after me?
Best to all of you, regardless of where you might have fallen into this ridiculous discussion. Let's please move on to better things. I have a new post up with a new thread for it on Bigfoot Forums. Go check it out! It's fun, it's free, it's informative, it's for you and in the honor of our friend the Sasquatch.
quote name='Redwolf' date='May 29 2010, 08:58 AM' post='598941'
Let's see,
1. Join a BF forum to sell books but deny that is your goal
2. Talk smack to the forum administrator who is letting you stay out of the goodness of her heart
3. Stroke egos of those who suck up to you
4. Accuse long-standing members of being trolls
Woo Hoo! Sounds like you are off to a running start here at the BFF. Welcome!
SECOND ONE: Yes, Bipedalist, THANK YOU!
I will take kudos from John Green, Bill Miller, Thomas Steenburg, Kathy Moskowitz Strain, Joshua Blu Buhs, Daniel Perez, Cliff Barackman, Michael Rugg, James Bobo Fay, and so many others over the silly comments by anonymous sniping trollish amateurs any day!
Now, re. the encounter concept.... I am working on my Part Two now. It will appear sometime in early June. I am talking about all forms of "contact," from the eyeball-to-eyeball sighting to the psychic, from blobsquatches to the PG Film. What IS an encounter, when our imagination is involved? When ambiguity of origin and perceptual biases are present? When anything that goes bump in the night COULD be a Sasquatch? How do we know? It is intriguing that even the closest Class A sightings can still describe a very different creature, from encounter to encounter. Why IS that? How much of it is Bigfoot, a real flesh and blood creature, and how much of it is the "Bigfoot" that lives within our minds? I will be exploring these questions.

Autumn Williams has just blogged on her OREGON BIGFOOT BLOG about the recent controversy over the cover art for her book, ENOCH. No, folks, it was not copied from an Alton Higgins drawing. Answer? NO, it was NOT plagiarized. READ IT HERE...
Here's one for NABS and David Paulides! Proof that Bigfoot are human, and that they can play hillbilly folk tunes. Come see them play in Arcata, CA. Details:
The Jefferson State Old Time Revue
Start Time: Saturday, July 3, 2010 at 4:00pm
End Time: Sunday, July 4, 2010 at 12:00am
Location: The Arcata Playhouse
Street: 1251 9th Street
City/Town: Arcata, CA
Description.An all day old time Musical/Foodical/Cryptozoological extravaganza! Featuring: The Vintner's Daughters, Hellbound Glory,
The Blackberry Bushes, Striped Pig Sting Band, The Blair St. Mugwumps and Pokey LaFarge & The South City 3!
Food on site by Luke's Joint and Nite Pie. Beer by Redwood Curtain Brewing Company
All ages, beer and wine w/ID. $10 adv/ $13@ the door,
Tickets available at MISSING LINK RECORDS 819 J ST Arcata.
Daisy Drygoods 959 H ST Arcata and Luke's Joint On The Arcata Plaza.
What left me for to say? Hu-man friend say it all. He say he angry, but I see him now and he be laughing. Bigfoot Forum? What it have do with ME? It nothing but hu-man dumbness all over again. Me smash!
This blog is copyright 2010 by Bigfoot Books and Steven Streufert. Images in this blog post are used as SATIRE, and are presented for SATIRICAL AND HUMOROUS PURPOSES ONLY. No claims of actual fascism or communism are really being made here! The views herein are solely those of the mysterious source of these writings, and have no actual connection with any group, like the BFRO or the Search For Bigfoot Forum, that we are in any way affiliated with, and should not at all be considered as representative of those groups and their founders or members. We are our own voice, howling in the wilderness of free speech, and want to keep it that way, and want you to know it. Images and text may be quoted and borrowed with citation, acknowledgment, and a link to this blog, along with gifts of beer and fine tobacco. Thanks in advance!
I read your links to this BS and my impression is you were a humorous gentleman and those people were a bunch of Nazi troll bitches.
ReplyDeleteThey “might” allow you back on, if you apologize for upsetting them so deeply, and promise to keep your head up their backsides.
ReplyDeleteAt least that’s the way it works on the BFF (and common knowledge). As the new Chief Admin, Teresa, (Chief Administrator means Owner) said on the BFF, "it’s a case by case basis of course", so aim high!! *eye roll*
You are learning what very many have known for a long time, and been banned for saying it publicly. You’re in good company. I would swim through cow sh*t, before I ever apologized to that group of non-deserving, self important snobs.
As a neutral observer here is the way I see it.
ReplyDeleteMost of your posts on the BFF were promoting your blog, in the last one you linked to your blog where you insulted some posters on the BFF for doing what you say you have the right to, give their opinion, and you were called on it.
It doesn't matter if you posted the insults (or what you saw as the truth)on the BFF, you linked to your blog in which you did so. It's hard to blame them.
ReplyDeleteBill, those would be good points if they had to do with the WHOLE PICTURE. However, look into the PRIOR THREAD part. I posted the mocking stuff on my blog about the BFF because it was already a forgone conclusion that they were out to get me. I saw this clearly when the EARLIER attack occurred, where there was absolutely NO PROVOCATION. By the time I got to writing about the BFF on my blog I knew it would get me in trouble with them, but by then didn't care. If they are going to "rule" their site like they do, and let only their friends attack or defend themselves, then I simply WANT NOTHING TO DO WITH THEM. It's pretty simple. I was offering them loads of great content, not making a cent off the deal, just giving my blog freely to the world. I've done a whole lot more serious work than it seems any of these "Dogs" and "Teresa" have. But no, all they could do is sit around calling me a greedy book monger. Give me a break. AND they don't know how to listen. AND they take offense at the smallest thing, without even seeming to understand nor to have read what I and others actually said. I'm done with it. Let the lunatics have their little asylum!
And this, Bill...
ReplyDeleteWhat I meant about the discussion which I called "nutty furor" and "insane" was that it was a bunch of babble from people who had not even read the book, ENOCH, most of them, and that it was essentially mean-spirited and vile, and hurtful to Autumn Williams. Discussion is fine, but it should not be an attack on the person; unless, that is, the person is an anonymous jerkwad from the BFF who is being a distinct asshole. Then, fine, let us be mean. But Autumn does not deserve the nasty stuff some people were saying.
How's that memory hole working out for you?
ReplyDeleteI love your decals! Can you get them made into bumper stickers? Maybe a bigfoot with a Nazi Helmet? I can see plenty of room for good clean fun here. Let me know how I can help. You know how I love a good fascist dictatorship.
ReplyDeleteIn this insane time, Vile hate Speech has it's purpose and place too.
Steve, I,m just an armchair, disabled internet Bigfoot fanatic. I love your blog and check it every day for updates. I believe it is one of top blogs on this subject on the internet. I used to check the BFF but really got sick of all the negative comments and skeptical comments. Someone above mentioned their arrogance and they are right. If they could lose me then there are plenty of others who just don't like reading all their negative bull.By the way, if they really think NABS and MK Davis are that great they are really messed up. Keep up the good work and keep smiling.
ReplyDeleteThe reality is, the BFF may have become the most detrimental place for expanding knowledge about bigfoot there ever was. One well known researcher once said to me he doesn't even go there because its such a 'toxic' environment. Clearly that is true to the Nth Degree.
ReplyDeleteThe problem originates from the top down. I wonder if the one admin there has ever really ever seen a bigfoot as she claims, but says it so as to depict some authority/knowledge on the subject? Because it would seem that if she really did, she would be more empathetic towards other witnesses. She isn't.
Clearly, the BFF is NOT the place to bring your sightings. They will beat you down in every way possible, believing they are being scientifically grounded and exposing hoaxers everywhere. HA!!! Most there are a bunch of ill-informed wannabe researchers that will never have a visual encounter in their life. Don't get me wrong, I'm sure there are a few good people who post there, but they are still naive and simply haven't had the incident occur yet that has chased them away. BFF is more akin to a hoard of two-legged piranha waiting for a succulent victim to come along that they can tear apart piece by piece. They are indiscriminate for the most part. Look at how they embraced Autumn Williams several months ago for her upcoming book. Those same people are now looking for whatever hole they can find to exploit in order to break what they now consider lies, and they've never read the book themselves. They think that because someone else talked about certain behavior of a bigfoot, that it must be copied by the next witness. Well how about that just happens to be a common behavior of bigfoot? Is that REALLY too difficult a concept for these phony researchers at BFF? Oh and when they hear a witness talk about bigfoot language sounding like Native American, they can't help but recall another witness who said the same thing. Jeez, it must therefore be made up right? Well how about the possibility that bigfoot were here before humans and maybe even Native Americans picked up some language from them eons ago? Or that NA's and Bigfoot communicated with one another long ago? What a bunch of blind theorists who are incapable of conceptualizing how cultures of any kind may have evolved!
The BFF readers miss opportunity after opportunity to learn something about sasquatch with each repeat witness that comes along. Said witnesses are NEVER given the chance in a positive environment to share. The important witness is quickly forced into a defensive stance, so instead of continuing to share the positive, he/she has to spend valuable time, well defending. The unencumbered constructive flow of personal knowledge is stopped dead in its 'bigfoot tracks'. So instead of them actually wanting to learn, most there simply want to maintain their pompous know-it-all (but really know little) egos based on what they (with their lack of personal experience) think bigfoot is or isn't. Well, BFF's combined emotional equilibrium does not appear anywhere as evolved as bigfoot's seems to be. Bigfoot showed remorse towards Mike in the book. Too bad bigfoot couldn't backhand BFF into the water instead. lol And so BFF loses again, never learning a damned thing when someone comes forward. BFF is INCAPABLE of remaining positive about any new controversial topics.
ReplyDeleteBFF is no longer a viable place to learn anything except how to professionally gang up on those who have more personal knowledge of bigfoot then they do. That is their role in the field. The main leadership there is the real problem because they enable it to happen. The main leadership there apparently lacks the social management skills to see how different approaches can bring different results. But knowing the emotional growth limits of certain people there, I guess one can't expect much more from them.
And yes, as Melissa Hovey also stated, the PM's at BFF are read by the Admins. So if you have controversial theories that you don't want them to know you believe, well DON'T share them through a PM. That's part of how they verify who they must keep a tight reign on.
I could not agree more, the place is self defeating
ReplyDeleteThese replies are just as bad as you folks claim the BFF is in thier posts. So cutting down people for cutting down people is OK in your world?
I think this whole Bigfoot thig is just a big soap opera and you peeps take it a bit too seriously.
Steve, let me make an analogy.
You own a mexican resturant and someone else owns a resturant across town from you. You cross promote becasue it's good for both businesses, but the other resturant starts criticizing your menu by calling it nutty and insane. Are you saying you wouldn't be upset, especially if you allowed them ot post your menu at thier resturant?
I guess I don't know what you expected.
ReplyDeleteWelcome to the legion of fine folks banned by BFF...it's an honor to be worn proudly and worthy of respect.
Autumn and her respectful habituation friends have forgotten more about the "North American Aboriginal Ancient Peoples" than the BFF will ever know. Where's Bipto when ya need him?
live and let live...
ole bub and the dawgs
A Forum is not a "Mexican restaurant" in competition with another; but rather is supposed to be an objective domain for discussion. I only said those things after I was attacked irrationally by a high-seniority friend of the dictatorial Administration, and then when the Administrative tyrant herself stepped in to exercise power for no reason. I was in effect told to kiss her ass, or else. I would not. So, I decided at that point they were the Enemy of Truth, and that I should go after them. The banning was inevitable, but it was not I who started it. I only finished it. With no freedom of speech, and rule by favoritism, the BFF will NEVER recover its former glories, and feedback on this blog post tells me that a great majority of BFing folks feel the same way.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteRevision added...
ReplyDeleteMr. Anonymous--not to be "cutting down people," or anything, but they ARE little Hitlers. Should our sympathies go out to the Stalins and Pol Pots of this world, or should we rather stand with Truth and Reason and Goodness? To hell with the BFF!
Imagine a democratic state where DISSENT was not permitted. This would eventually be a state of either tyranny or bland conformity. It is one of the great rights, privileges, and duties as a citizen to engage in dissent when necessary. This is what I did on the BFF. I was playing nice and by the rules until I saw grievous injustice and irrationality; THEN I decided to rise up against it. Call it "death by cop" if you wish, but I'd rather not live in that nasty world of the BFF anyway. So, all is good, and now we will move onward to better things.
Anon @ 5PM,
ReplyDeleteA collective analogous response to bad behavior isn't the same as 'initiating' bad behavior. BFF has long been a place where some just seem to get their kicks tearing down people and their claims. Never mind that their logic most often only makes sense to a few there. Others are often afraid to stand up because they realize they may just as easily become the target themselves. THIS IS THE MODUS OPERANDI! There is a long line of undeserving people who have been abused at BFF. It has gone on for years. The Admins and many of the Mods enjoy the power trip they wield. They are a childish group who can't differentiate what it means to 'moderate'. What the leadership REALLY does there is 'enable' a regulated meanness, while finding satisfaction in being honored by subservient followers for what is actually lesser intelligent behavior.
The BFF leadership is assimilating new clones as we speak. New mods who have demonstrated their own inept theoretical development. The leadership must surround themselves with zealous followers groomed at the same school. Individuals who have a specific view of what bigfoot is, and by golly, they are going to make sure everyone else believes the same thing AT BFF! The BFF is a lost train leading to nowhere. A bunch of old school wannabes who will never have a real encounter of their own, because their belief system won't allow them to consider anything but a giant ape is running around our woods. Sadly many naive newcomers there don't understand yet and find BFF as a fun place to chat, while the process continues of witnesses and even credential people being attacked within various threads. It really is a deadly cycle that needs more exposure because it DOES harm the field as a whole, as well as our understanding of the intended subject being discussed.
They don't realize, their tunnel visioned limits of what they 'allow' people there to believe and discuss there, is their own reason for self failure as a group.
To add: That goes for any blog or forum too.
ReplyDeleteWell, having been suspended myself over there in the past, I can tell you this (while remaining completely impartial and open to other opinions):
ReplyDeleteThere is a regular gang of members/mods on BFF that regularly screams for more details, more evidence, the answers to hard questions, etc. But it's this same group that immediately thrashes anyone who tries to provide the info they are screaming for. The atmosphere is toxic. Someone posted above that every person who brings any account to the BFF is immediately placed on the defensive by the feeding frenzy that is allowed by the mods or their chosen friends, and if anyone complains about this behavior they are given a warning, suspension, or a banning. It's amazing.
The rules are selectively enforced, and don't apply to friends of the mods or the mods themselves. And if you've committed no infraction, but the mods don't want you posting on a subject, they will actually MAKE UP charges to level at you in order to "keep you down", or at least try.
And no, your PM's on the BFF are not "P" (as in Private). Yes, the mods monitor PM's there, and yes, they take action based on their content, but disguise it with the above mentioned "made up" charges.
I'm not going to ask anyone to boycott the BFF's because I think it's important to be able to witness this behavior firsthand. But I will say this: BE VERY CAREFUL OVER THERE because nothing you say is private, and everything you say can and will be used against you at some point if the mods decide you're not one of their "chosen ones".
You're my hero. Yes, you.
ReplyDeleteI suspect they've noticed they are being watch & criticized and that the so-called leaders are passing the word amongst themselves plus encouraging certain posters there to ease off. If so, their motives for ever appearing to be a kinder gentler gang of jerks, will never make up for real decency.
ReplyDeleteAnd this from Redwolf in the Enoch thread: "Please quit pulling the "if you haven't read the book you shouldn't judge" card. It's an old and weak argument."
ReplyDeleteThat is rich! Talk about the epitome of faulty logic. What a standard she would evoke for how research should be conducted. Yep, BFF is absolutely in good hands folks. hehe
Oh look, another person is given a week off in the Enoch thread for being bad. Or is it the status quo at BFF that is bad?
I've got an excellent idea. If all the different groups and researchers out there could just hold off on any announcements or news makers for a few weeks, the problem could possibly solve itself. As long as there are no public news sightings, maybe, just maybe, the ones who froth most at the mouth at bff will begin attacking and consuming one another. You know, just like a bunch of rabid animals. Sure a few innocent victims may get caught in the malay, but they would be sacrificing themselves for the greater good.
Hmm, I just had a maybe-even better idea, and more fun too. How about a blog where the sole purpose is to identify and publish for 'posterity', all the stupid asinine statements that certain people at BFF make about others. We could have a grand time, and we'd never run out of material. lol
"And this from Redwolf in the Enoch thread: "Please quit pulling the "if you haven't read the book you shouldn't judge" card. It's an old and weak argument."
ReplyDeleteDear Redwolf: Please do not encourage ignorance. Everyone should be encouraged to inform themselves of all the facts, prior to being involved in a conversation. Unless you enjoy those around you appearing to be less than Knowledgeable about the issues they are discussing.
I know you feel it more appropriate that everyone agree with you and the Admin Team of the BFF, and there is no need for anyone to form their own opinion by self-education, but really you should be promoting responsible behavior.
I remember a day when ignorance of a subject in total, was frowned upon by the BFF.. Now it is encouraged? That is pathetic.
I wish Brian Brown would return, and toss you all out on your butts for destroying his work. You, Teresa, and JayleeD have made a complete mess out of what was once a wonderful place.
Members of the BFF have a right to be angry over the complete face plant that site has taken under Teresa's rule. Without member posts the BFF would be nothing. You should be thanking and appreciating their contribution.
I have never seen a BFF Admin make such an incredibly ignorant statement. Good Job, Redwolf.
ReplyDeleteI noticed at the top of this page that this particular blog is getting triple the hits as normal. Well, don't get too excited about it. I'm sure a significant number of those hits are from BFF mods coming over here to see if they can dig up any dirt on anyone who posts a comment.
That's what they do.
They've shown this idiotic inter-forum paranoia before. (think back to the MRP debacle)
There aren't very many things as annoying as a small-minded control freak, and now their staff is made up of them. Redwolf and BitterMonk top that list, and their friend Blackdog is allowed to insult anyone he wants with their protection and blessing.
Nothing ever gets advanced on that forum, only torn apart. Some folks thrive on that kind of thing, and they can have it. Most of the rest of us are simply going to pass them by. And if anyone makes any kind of discovery, they'll likely tear it apart because it wasn't shared there. Business as usual. Ironic how these are the same people who enjoy criticizing other organizations so much...
Bigfoot has been a life long interest of mine. Bigfoot research has certainly developed into some strange behavior for some.
ReplyDeleteLike many others I started reading and posting at the BFF over 10 years ago, not because I had any misconception that I knew it all, but I did feel that I had learned a thing or two.
It seemed ok at first, then I began to notice how those who had a sighting were being treated and it wasn't good. It went from not good to viscous in a very short order.
Anyone who has had a sighting will have their own perspective on what it is that they saw, and this is a good thing as they might very well contribute another piece to the puzzle.
Questions are fine and helpful, but treating those who have had a sighting like they are some kind of foreign spy who needs to be put under spot lights and questioned mercilessly until their answers fit the BFF mold is ridiculous and not at all the way research is done.
I would not recommend that anyone take the BFF seriously anymore and if you have had an experience in the woods don't talk about it there, better yet don't go there at all. The only thing serious about the BFF is the blindness to their own behavior is in serious need of some serious help which I have little hope will ever happen.
My take on BFF. Hah, pity the fool that goes there with an experience, trauma, question, seeking advice,etc.
ReplyDeleteDo not go there and share anything. I strongly urge you. they will tear you to shreds.
Yes, these people are vicious, and that is putting it mildly. They remind me of a pack of wolves, surround and then go for the kill.
Bigfoot's bLog has noticed some of the comments on here have mysteriously disappeared, despite our approving them and copying and pasting them in to our subsequent blog entry. WHAT IS GOING ON? Is this an error on BLOGGER, or are people chickening out and removing them? Strange. Has pressure been applied to some from the BFF higher-up lowlifes? Who knows? Anyway, check the latest post to see some that are missing from this entry's Comments section.
Steve, Bigfoot Books
Glad I happened across this blog, I am up late looking for more bf info. I have never been to this BFF site and from the reviews here, its sounds like no place I care to belong to… I clicked on your link above to it and saw their first mistake (it’s closed unless you join)….. Now am I reading this right that their whole stance is that Bigfoot is an ape, period! Is that what they are about? If so, the day is coming, it is going to happen (I hope in my lifetime)…... and they may be in for a big surprise. Personally I'm of the belief that BF is human or a whole other species similar to humans... not an ape in anyway….. but I can’t begrudge anyone for believing BF is an ape. BF subject matter is very serious subject when we are all trying to put the pieces together, look at the time we spend just pondering the mystery of our big biped friend….. This should be a sharing event amongst ALL researchers... some or none of our beliefs could turn out to be true or not, that’s not even the point, all researchers, including myself who by the way has never seen one BUT I have no doubt what-so-ever they are out there, I don’t need to see one to know, I just use common sense, but... I digress… on to my point, our goal should be to share our theories and information and most certainly not try to force our opinions of what this creature is upon anyone because we could all be dead wrong.
ReplyDeleteIs BFF even online anymore? I hear they are using BlockScript and it is leaving a lot of users out of the loop.
ReplyDeleteAny time I go to a bigfoot website that has lots of talk about researchers and not much talk about research I can safely assume someone is on the wrong track...
ReplyDeleteIt's happened again. The founders and most of the membership of a new little forum have been banned from the "new, improved" BFF. This time Masterbarber is the director and Brian Brown is only on the Steering Committee.
Plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose