Though the event is sold out there may be a few spots opening up if you are on the waiting list (hey, Bigfoot Books got a ticket!). Here is the updated flyer, click image to enlarge. John Green and Rick Noll will sadly not be attending as previously planned, but new speakers have been added. Bobo assures me there will be some startling revelations unveiled at this conference. It will be documented by Hancock House and, apparently, National Geographic. Bob Gimlin will be there.
From Tom Yamarone, here are some of the details. Address has been excluded as "walk-up" attendance is being prohibited (or highly discouraged).
Examination of the Patterson-Gimlin Film
Presentation of Current Evidence of the Sasquatch
Presentations by:
Dr. John Bindernagel
Dr. Jeff Meldrum
Kathy Moskowitz Strain
Presentation of Current Evidence of the Sasquatch
Presentations by:
Dr. John Bindernagel
Dr. Jeff Meldrum
Kathy Moskowitz Strain
Christopher L. Murphy
Dmitry Pirkulov (representing Dmitri Bayanov and Russian Hominology research)
A new analysis of the P-G film by Bill Munns
Also new talk added: Scott Nelson, cryto-linguist examines the Sierra Sounds
Dmitry Pirkulov (representing Dmitri Bayanov and Russian Hominology research)
A new analysis of the P-G film by Bill Munns
Also new talk added: Scott Nelson, cryto-linguist examines the Sierra Sounds
The event will include a catered Tribute Dinner and entertainment in a beautiful ranch setting. There will be a gathering for a pot-luck dinner and 2 presentations on Friday evening. Saturday will begin with a meet & greet period, a $5 hamburger/hot-dog lunch available. Presentations begin at 12:30 pm. Tribute Dinner scheduled for 6:15 pm. Tickets: $40/general admission, $60 reserved seating, $80 VIP tickets (ONLY IF available). For information, contact: James Bobo Fay bobosasquatch@yahoo.com, Paul Graves (509) 665-8645, Tom Yamarone (925) 734-0799. Or email tyamarone@pacbell.net or pmossgraves@verizon.net.
[I think Tom is the one in charge of the waiting list.]
Yakima Bigfoot Round-Up
Schedule of Activities and Presentations
Friday, May 15, 2009
4:00 pm. Event Registration
4:300 pm Pot-luck Dinner
6:45 pm Welcome to the Bigfoot Round-Up
Bigfoot Song
7:00 pm Bill Munns “A Digital Examination of the Patterson-Gimlin Film"
8:00 pm Scott Nelson “ Crypto-Linguistic Evaluation of the Berry/Morehead Tapes"
8:50 pm Derek Randles “ Preview of the Olympic Project"
9:15 pm. Campfires at the ranch
Saturday May 16, 2009
10:00 am Event begins with social time - Meet & Greet - at the ranch
11:00 - 12:30 $5 barbeque lunch
Yakima Bigfoot Round-Up
Schedule of Activities and Presentations
Friday, May 15, 2009
4:00 pm. Event Registration
4:300 pm Pot-luck Dinner
6:45 pm Welcome to the Bigfoot Round-Up
Bigfoot Song
7:00 pm Bill Munns “A Digital Examination of the Patterson-Gimlin Film"
8:00 pm Scott Nelson “ Crypto-Linguistic Evaluation of the Berry/Morehead Tapes"
8:50 pm Derek Randles “ Preview of the Olympic Project"
9:15 pm. Campfires at the ranch
Saturday May 16, 2009
10:00 am Event begins with social time - Meet & Greet - at the ranch
11:00 - 12:30 $5 barbeque lunch
12:30 pm Presentations
Bigfoot Song
12:35 Christopher L. Murphy -- An Overview of Sasquatch/Bigfoot Evidence in Historical Records
Sasquatch Song
1:25 John Bindernagel “ The Discovery of the Sasquatch"
Bigfoot Song
2:40 Dmitry Pirkulov “ Identifying Invisible Giants"
BREAK - 30 mins
song: Bigfoot the Legend (by Gimlin/Patterson & friends)
3:40 pm Kathy Moskowitz Strain “ Stories and Stone: Bigfoot Evidence in Native Culture"
4:20 Jeff Meldrum “ The Patterson-Gimlin Film Re-Examined from the Ground Up"
5:40 Pre-dinner social time
6:15 - 8:15 pm Tribute Dinner to Bob Gimlin, Roger Patterson & John Green
Special Address by David Hancock
Bigfoot Song
12:35 Christopher L. Murphy -- An Overview of Sasquatch/Bigfoot Evidence in Historical Records
Sasquatch Song
1:25 John Bindernagel “ The Discovery of the Sasquatch"
Bigfoot Song
2:40 Dmitry Pirkulov “ Identifying Invisible Giants"
BREAK - 30 mins
song: Bigfoot the Legend (by Gimlin/Patterson & friends)
3:40 pm Kathy Moskowitz Strain “ Stories and Stone: Bigfoot Evidence in Native Culture"
4:20 Jeff Meldrum “ The Patterson-Gimlin Film Re-Examined from the Ground Up"
5:40 Pre-dinner social time
6:15 - 8:15 pm Tribute Dinner to Bob Gimlin, Roger Patterson & John Green
Special Address by David Hancock
Watch THIS BLOG in the future for our reporting and photos of the event!
Poster design: Scott McLean, provided by Tom Yamarone.