BIGFOOT'S BLOG, Early September 2011 Edition.

ANGRY BIGFOOT. Me report. One thing good about what hu-man call
BIGFOOT DAYS be that me only have to be self, and can walk street of hu-man town and no one notice. There so many hu-man in ape suits there that me only wear hu-man t-shirt and hat and blend right in. Only difference? Me smell better.
Look down page and you see picture I take of things on hu-man road. Many people want shake my hand, and me do it. They not even know that I REAL Bigfoot. It so funny. Me even go and drink bloody mary at Forks bar before parade start. All picture here taken by me, Angry Bigfoot, and you have to bring me jar of peanut butter if you want to use them. Me call this Peanut Right, not copyright.
Banner at Coast Central Credit Union |
(Hu-man Steve help me do this blog by write caption under picture. He good with word.)
This year the name of event be called:
"RIVER FUN IN THE MOUNTAIN SUN WITH BIGFOOT'S FIFTY-ONE." That all good, but me lot older than 51, hu-man. Ha ha! What you know? You sent rocket to moon, and you not even know what live in your backyard.
The new highway-spanning banner.What happened to the cooler old one? |
The start of the parade. |
The WCK Volunteer Fire Department shows off their rigs. |
Young squatcher and fire fighter in training. |
The first appearance of a "Bigfoot" type of creature. |
This Bigfoot is an odd cross between Chewbacca and something from Gidget. |
A troupe of Bigfeet causes a traffic jam in the parade's progress. |
The Family Bigfoot, showing the multiple natural hues of the species. |
Bigfoot antics, or time for a spanking? |
Papa Bigfoot approaches the human spectators. |
Bigfoot in work boots? |
Bigfoots ambling past the statue of their forebear. |
Spectators get pretty eager out in the middle of the highway. |
The Bigfoot Contractor Supply float passes on by. |
"River Fun in the Mountain Sun, Bigfoot Days is 51." |
The Coast Central Credit Union float approaches. |
A pink Bigfoot? A Bigfoot in a tent? This goes against BFRO guidelines. |
Enemy of Bigfoot, Smokey the Bear approaches. |
Bigfoot prances on the Ray's Market float. |
Bigfoot growls, human waves. |
Did Bigfoot steal this guy's groceries, or what? |
The Ace Hardware float approaches, Bigfoot hiding in the trees. |
A fish in a little river. |
Bigfoot holds a fishing pole. |
A rustic scene, though Bigfoot never caught the fish. |
What IS that thing? Freelove Circus float. |
That thing is "THE THING," with sexy attendant. |
Kids can't wait when they see a lady Bigfoot approach with a candy basket. |
Hey, PGF Patty had boobs, but this one really outdoes her. |
What's that approaching? It's a Bigfoot in a Biscardi suit, causing another
traffic jam. |
The Blue Lake Casino float, with Georgia Gorilla. |
Bigfoot tries to wave, but those arm extensions are tough to negotiate. |
Patriotism gets Bigfoot all stirred up... |
Humboldt local, Rowdy, working for a certain television network,
really does FIND BIGFOOT. |
Bigfoot makes off with a bucket of candy, another one behind nabs an
ice cream cone. |
Time to pose for a few photos and sign some autographs. |
End of parade, start of the festival down in Veterans' Park....
Festival in the park. |
A vendor booth. |
The Sentinel Winery BIGFOOT RED booth. |
Bigfoot does indeed like wine. |
Fine local goods.... |
T-shirts, too.... |
Another vendor with a unique product theme. |
Is Patty getting royalties from these? |
Gambi Cabins operators survey some Bigfoot-themed clothing items. |
More unique and interesting Bigfoot goodies were available.
One could also find delicious Indian Tacos and Rez Dogs, Snow Cones,
Chinese food, and much wholly non-Bigfoot-related merchandise. |
And, of course, there was face-painting in the park, bicycle and lawnmower
races, logging and fireman competitions, and much more fun stuff under
the nearly 100 degree mountain sun. Indeed. |
Schedule of Bigfoot Days events for 2011. Click to Enlarge. |
Partial page from the Eureka Times-Standard the next day. |
Bigfoot rafting-themed pinball machine at the Pizza Factory.
Quite appropriate to Willow Creek. |
Friday Night of BIGFOOT DAYS me see me hu-man friend, Steve. He in phone booth in alley behind pool hall bar. He think there still phone in phone booth, and he say he also think he can talk to ghost of hu-man name Roger Patterson in there. Hu-mans very strange!
Decommissioned phone booth once in the spot in front of Al Hodgson's old
Variety Store, now a pool hall, across the street from the Chevron station.
It was on this spot, if not in the very same phone booth (this one seems to
be from the 1980s or so) that Roger Patterson called Al to announce that he
had just "filmed one of them sumbucks" up in Bluff Creek, Oct. 20, 1967. |
Spot now occupied by a bulletin board kiosk, where
once stood the phone booth used by Roger Patterson
when calling Al Hodgson about the filming of Bigfoot. |
Visiting researcher Travis McHenry at the booth. |
Me also see a band at Forks Lounge Friday that have son of JFK Assassination and Watergate spy guy E. Howard Hunt. Son name Saint John Hunt. Band name is Saint John and the Sinners. They pretty good. Him web site I found is this:
Saint John and the Sinners playing a fine cover of "Low Rider." |
A cryptic note slipped under the door one morning at Bigfoot Books.
What does it mean??? |
There has been lots and lots of BLUFF CREEK FILM SITE PROJECT news lately, folks, and it is coming your way soon. I'm still Angry Hu-Man, but yes, I will be back with more. First I've got to kick that big, smelly ape-man out of my bookstore, and probably buy myself a new keyboard after all the food, drool, and beer he has spilled on it.
This blog is copyright and all that jazz, save for occasional small elements borrowed for "research" and information or satirical purposes only, 2011, Bigfoot Books and Steven Streufert. Borrowings for non-commercial purposes will be tolerated without the revenge of Angry Bigfoot, if notification, credit, citation and a kindly web-link are given, preferably after contacting us and saying, Hello, like a normal person would before taking a cup of salt. No serious rip-offs of our material for vulgar commercial gain will be tolerated without major BF stomping action coming down on you, hu-man.
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