The results of our summer's studies are finally coming forth. "C.I.," Robert Leiterman and Yours Truly set out to know Bluff Creek and its history better, especially as pertains to the Patterson-Gimlin Film. We sought to find the true site and track-way location, despite the fact that there are at least five different proposals from various researchers, and memories seem to have grown vague and as mysterious as the regrown forest now covering the once open sandbar where the famous Bigfoot film was shot. Here are the three introductory Bigfoot-nerd sessions trying to lay the preliminary foundations for our subsequent visits to the site area. Enjoy!
Coming Up Soon!!! Robert Leiterman hikes up Bluff Creek from the Bluff Creek Bridge to the PGF site area, filming all the way. Also in the hopper: a very rainy day finds the three intrepid investigators out in the downpour trying to find those Big Trees, comparing the Peter Byrne, MK Davis and Barackman-Gimlin identified sites, trying to find "Dahinden's X" and Daniel Perez' arrow, and generally coming quite close to death by hypothermia and uphill mud climbing exhaustion. ALSO: An extensive new blog entry on our DAY ONE is in the tank and nearly ready to bottle. It should be up this week.

Or find them here: PART ONE, PART TWO, and PART THREE.

Ha ha, hu-man! You spend all summer film at Bluff Creek, you STILL NOT film Me!
All video shot and edited by Robert Leiterman. Copyrighted by him, with content from Steven Streufert and Ian (C.I.), 2010. Film site images photographed on computer screens, from books, or on-site, as seen in the videos are used for research purposes only, and are seen being used as such. This blog is copyrighted too, though you may borrow and quote if full citation is given, preferably with notice to us and a kindly link to this blog.