"Some people say that the Sasquatch to them is just a mythological creature. Nothing to do... it's not a real creature, flesh and blood. If the creature is a mythological creature, the mythology has to COME FROM SOMEPLACE. It doesn't just pop out of a Kellogg's Corn Flakes box!"
"If I would be out there and see a Sasquatch, even if I would photograph him, I wouldn't believe my eyes. I wouldn't trust my own brain. Seven, eight foot, hair-covered, manlike creature out there wandering around in our own backyard. Mind-boggling!!!"

"I'm not interested in where it comes from. I'm not interested in what it is. Because I'm still wondering IF it IS. I'm still wondering if it EXISTS. So, let's find the damn thing FIRST, before we start asking questions WAY OUT THERE. I don't care because I'm still wondering if it exists."
"Footprints are physical evidence. Someone said, they're not physical evidence! I said, how would you feel if I hit you over the head with one of them footprints' plaster casts??? Don't you think that would be physical?"
Rene's humor and clever wit are sorely missed in this field (no one can take his place, though Daniel Perez does try), especially when some take things just a little bit too seriously. Sasquatch will go its own way, and hopefully Bigfooters will be able someday to prove it. Rene wrote one book with Don Hunter, available in two editions, which is, ridiculously, out of print:

The documentary, SASQUATCH ODYSSEY, may be found on the website of GRYPHON PRODUCTIONS, a Canadian company: http://www.sasquatchodyssey.com/
Their information on Dahinden may be found here: http://www.sasquatchodyssey.com/hrene.html
Their information on Dahinden may be found here: http://www.sasquatchodyssey.com/hrene.html
It may also be found on Amazon, and is out on VHS or a DVD with some apparantly good extra features (we haven't seen this version). Get it!: http://www.amazon.com/Sasquatch-Odyssey-Bigfoot-Rene-Dahinden/dp/B0006H659C/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=dvd&qid=1246409328&sr=1-1

From the VHS box: "The Hunt for Bigfoot: Four men and their strange quest for the Big Hairy Legend. A journey into the bizarre world of veteran Bigfoot hunters: facts, fallacies and fiction."
Rene Dahinden, always prepared with pipe and camera, poses beside the Jim McClarin statue of Oh-Mah-Bigfoot found even today in Willow Creek. Currently it sits right at the junction of Highway 299 and Highway 96, beside the Gonzalez Mexican Restaurant.
Note: Rene was a pretty diminutive guy, but that statue IS pretty massive.