This issue of...
BIGFOOT'S BLOG, Late May, 2010,
...presents a collection of images and readings from the historical archives of Bigfooting and Sasquatchery.
We find these too fascinating to just leave them on our hard drive. In large measure, despite all of the books and television shows on the topic, the minute aspects of the history of Bigfooting and its culture are largely lost, ephemeral, preserved only in yellowing newspaper clippings, old tattered newsletters, odds and ends in boxes in the closets of nerds from the 1970s and 80s.. These are things that often get thrown in the trash rather than preserved as the important documents they are. Sometimes a web site goes down forever, as recently happened with the fine (and sorely missed) BLOGSQUATCHER page, and is lost to all but unreliable human memory.
Here are a few cool things that we have acquired recently, thanks to Vince S. and Daniel Perez in large measure. Also featured are two new pieces of Bigfoot Iconography to appear recently in Willow Creek, one at the Willow Creek Motel, and another at Bigfoot Books. The first is yet another roadside Bigfoot image. The latter is a painting by Bryan Hart, generously brought in to our shop for display.
BIGFOOT'S BLOG, Late May, 2010,
...presents a collection of images and readings from the historical archives of Bigfooting and Sasquatchery.
We find these too fascinating to just leave them on our hard drive. In large measure, despite all of the books and television shows on the topic, the minute aspects of the history of Bigfooting and its culture are largely lost, ephemeral, preserved only in yellowing newspaper clippings, old tattered newsletters, odds and ends in boxes in the closets of nerds from the 1970s and 80s.. These are things that often get thrown in the trash rather than preserved as the important documents they are. Sometimes a web site goes down forever, as recently happened with the fine (and sorely missed) BLOGSQUATCHER page, and is lost to all but unreliable human memory.

Also in this entry please find a...
This is the most recent one, with the David Paulides (NABS) controversies on the cover. Daniel thought this might be of interest to our readers. We say, let it stand as an invitation for you to sample and then subscribe to this fine newsletter. Details will be found in the newsletter or in live links, below.
This is the most recent one, with the David Paulides (NABS) controversies on the cover. Daniel thought this might be of interest to our readers. We say, let it stand as an invitation for you to sample and then subscribe to this fine newsletter. Details will be found in the newsletter or in live links, below.
Blogspot limits our presentation size somewhat. If you have any historical Bigfooting images or text you would like to share with us do send them along--we and the readers will appreciate them greatly.
And... don't worry. PART TWO of our WHAT CONSTITUTES A BIGFOOT-SASQUATCH ENCOUNTER? STANDARDS FOR PERCEPTION AND ASSUMPTION is in the works, and will be here soon. Didn't read the first part yet? Read PART ONE HERE.
Blogspot limits our presentation size somewhat. If you have any historical Bigfooting images or text you would like to share with us do send them along--we and the readers will appreciate them greatly.

Image to left: from a Bishop Custom Products refrigerator magnet (and postcard), shot by Bryan of Humboldt County. To right: Daniel Perez strikes an Oswaldian pose in "hardcore Sasquatch Hunter" mode, early 1990s. Other images below are historical, their sources credited when possible.
NOTE: BLOGSPOT HAS MESSED UP SOME OF THE IMAGES SUCH THAT THEY WILL NOT "CLICK TO ENLARGE" AS USUAL IN INTERNET EXPLORER BROWSERS. FIREFOX IS WORKING FINE. TRY IT AND SEE. If it doesn't work, rather: Right-Click with the Mouse and View in New Tab/Window to Enlarge Images. Once enlarged, use the "Zoom" funtion in "View." Read on....
**************************************************NOTE: BLOGSPOT HAS MESSED UP SOME OF THE IMAGES SUCH THAT THEY WILL NOT "CLICK TO ENLARGE" AS USUAL IN INTERNET EXPLORER BROWSERS. FIREFOX IS WORKING FINE. TRY IT AND SEE. If it doesn't work, rather: Right-Click with the Mouse and View in New Tab/Window to Enlarge Images. Once enlarged, use the "Zoom" funtion in "View." Read on....
Our contact, Vince S. provided a few of the following. Thanks for the scans.
Below is an ad from a newspaper announcing the theatrical presentation of SASQUATCH: THE LEGEND OF BIGFOOT (directed by the late Ed Ragozzino, 1977). This film was loosely based on the adventures of Roger Patterson. In many ways, it appropriated the ideas and concept of Patterson's unfinished docudrama, parts of which were shot around Yakima, WA in 1967. The expedition that provided us with the famous Patterson-Gimlin Film (PGF) was to provide background footage and investigation of footprint finds in the Bluff Creek area, and was originally part of this movie project.
Below is an information card presented to attendees of that showing of the above film, created by the North American Wildlife Research Team (NAWRT) of Eugene, Oregon (makers/operators of the famous "Bigfoot Trap"). The reverse side features an image from the PGF. Thanks to Vince S. for the archiving and scanned copy. Right-click and view in new tab/window to Enlarge Image.
Here, below, is a prospectus announcing a film featuring PETER BYRNE, being produced by Alan Landsburg (who produced "That's Incredible!" and worked on "In Search Of..."). To our knowledge it was never finished or released to theaters. What did we miss??? Thanks to Vince S. for the archiving and scanned copy. Right-click and view in new tab/window to Enlarge Image.
Below is the partial front page of an extinct newsletter, BIGFOOT/SASQUATCH INFORMATION SERVICE. Published by D. E. Gates, this issue from September, 1978. Thanks to Vince S. for the archiving and scanned copy. Right-click and view in new tab/window to Enlarge Image.
Here's a groovy early article featuring Bigfoot scholar/journalist and "hardcore Sasquatch investigator-hunter," Daniel Perez. It's from the Press-Enterprise, October 30, 1991. Apparently, David Paulides finds this amusing.
Click to Enlarge.
Daniel Perez is providing us this issue with permission to post it. Perhaps you’d also be inclined to subscribe—we should support the noble field of actual print publishing--a bold endeavor in these days. And it’s well worth it, too. See below the newsletter for links. The pages become a more legible size if you click on them, or right-click on them and select to open in new tab or window if just clicking doesn't work. Once enlarged, use the "Zoom" funtion in "View." These are the best copies we could obtain without special software, and within the Blogspot limits for graphics. They may be saved onto your computer and then enlarged with any photo editing software. To get the full, high quality version one should subscribe, come in to Bigfoot Books and get a free hard-copy print version, or ask Daniel (he might be inclined to email this one in PDF to you without charge; we emphasize... might.)
Page One
Page Three
Page Four
may be reached through the following link and locations. Subscriptions are well worth it at $15.00 for twelve monthly issues full of cutting-edge Bigfoot views and news.
Main website and periodic blog featuring articles not in the newsletter, and links to buy books Daniel has written or to subscribe:
Phone: (951) 509-2951, or
By Mail: 10926 Milano Avenue, Norwalk, CA 90650-1638
--Daniel Perez, Bigfoot Times
(Disclaimer: No, Perez doesn't pay us for posting this stuff. We just want to support his publishing project.)
LINKS on the Above Topic:
Read our original blog entry on The Paulides Hooplah Project and other crazy matters HERE.
Read the Cryptomundo article on the matter HERE: Under The Bigfoot Microscope: David Paulides
Read our original blog entry on The Paulides Hooplah Project and other crazy matters HERE.
Read the Cryptomundo article on the matter HERE: Under The Bigfoot Microscope: David Paulides
And one more treat: here's the front page of THE HUMBOLDT TIMES, SUNDAY, OCTOBER 6, 1958, featuring Jerry Crew with the famous Bigfoot track cast that he brought down out of the Bluff Creek canyon.

The resolution is not quite good enough to read the whole articles beyond the headlines. This front page does, though, give one a sense of the news context into which Bigfoot stepped, from isolated Bluff Creek, through the AP news wire, to the world. From small steps come great things.
To right: Roger Patterson, the barefooted showman, demonstrating that Patty was pretty darn BIG.

Right-click and view in new tab/window to Enlarge Image.

in their current exhibit,
running until June 27th.
ADMISSION- $8 for adults; $7 for seniors, age 60 and above; $6 for students and military with valid ID; children, age 5 and below, and members are always FREE.
"What: Sasquatch: The Sightings, the Science, the Stories
When: June 5 @ 10:30 a.m.
Cost: $18 includes museum admission and program. Museum member price $10.
CONTACT– 1-888-BE THERE,, or through...
MEDIA CONTACT: Kimberly Adams, public relations coordinator, 253-798-5877,
Background: Two giants of Sasquatch research will be at the museum hosting an audience discussion of all things Sasquatch. Dr. Jeffrey Meldrum and Robert Gimlin will be discussing their collected evidence, taking audience questions, and meeting with attendees."
Interestingly, this is part of their descriptive text:
"In the Pacific Northwest, “Sasquatch,” is a word derived from the Salish word “sesqec,” meaning, “Wild Man”. In other parts of the world, its name is Bigfoot, Yetti, or Wild Man. Definitions of the names vary, from “Ape Man” to “Bad Luck Spirit” and from “Big Elder Brother” to “Evil Cannibal Spirit.”
So, is Sasquatch a "brother" or a "cannibal"? Ape or Man? We suppose no one really knows.
Images here courtesy of the WSHM web site, done by Rick Spears
We'd remind you here, again, that the OREGON SASQUATCH SYMPOSIUM is coming up June 19th-20th, and tickets are still available. You should get tickets and lodging arranged now, before it is too late.
Bob Gimlin is said to be attending this one. Last week we spoke with Tom Yamarone who urged us to emphasize that he talked to Bob about it, and his attendance at the conference is not yet a sure thing. HOWEVER, we spoke with the Organizer, Toby Johnson, this week, and he has
Bob Gimlin is said to be attending this one. Last week we spoke with Tom Yamarone who urged us to emphasize that he talked to Bob about it, and his attendance at the conference is not yet a sure thing. HOWEVER, we spoke with the Organizer, Toby Johnson, this week, and he has
Anyway, we will be there, and you should, too... if only to hear Autumn Williams talk about her new book. It will see first release at the conference, in a limited first printing run. Surely you can get it signed when acquiring a copy, too. We spoke with her for a couple of hours the other day, and we guarantee a fascinating talk will be given. Her witness-informant, the basis for the book, has some very interesting ongoing Bigfoot interactions with many qualities uncommon in the annals of Bigfooting. Or rather, where most Bigfoot reports end, this one is just getting started.
An informal MEET AND GREET is scheduled at the Red Lion Inn, near the conference site, starting around 6:30 or 7:00, Friday evening, according to Toby. Be there!
With Cliff Barackman, Thom Powell, Jeff Meldrum, Kathy Moskowitz Strain,
Speaking of Mr. Yamarone, he has done a very good write-up of his adventures and the events at Salt Fork State Park, in Ohio. Read: The 2010 Ohio Bigfoot Conference Odyssey on his Bigfoot Songs blog site. Click the link. FINALLY... an account of what happened there besides, but still including, the people and the food! Good job, Mr. Tom.
And, OK, we are going to join the club wondering Who Are These Guys at THE BIGFOOTERY ENQUIRER? Please send along any clues, OK folks? Any guesses? Like Bigfoot himself, they are kind of... cryptic.
They wrote some on the Ohio Conference. Click around, but here's their recap:
Early Reviews of the Ohio Bigfoot Conference.
We think that "Bigfoot Bully" stuff was a little excessive; but who are WE to talk, I'm sure some folks would ask....
We had a nice visit from Bryan, Shannon and Hercules Hart today in the shop. Bryan, a fine Bigfoot artist among many other things, brought us a nice oil painting of a giant hairy hominoid practicing tree-hiding technique for display at our shop. This one is for sale for $300.00.

Among the piles of books lurks... BIGFOOT! This is the first thing customers will be greeted by upon entering the front door of the shop. Sasquatch is watching you!

Images in this section: First two in shop by Steven Streufert, but the last two were taken by Bryan Hart. "Bigfoot Bookshelf" below by Steven Streufert.

has some good new videos up on the BFRO VIDEOS YouTube page. Check them out!
Wenatchee National Forest Part 1 Leiterman and Cutino (There are four of these; start here.)
Bart Cutino Sighting -- Daylight Reconstruction
Here's a photo of THE BIGFOOT BOOKSHELF.
These are the reference texts we use as the standard classics and keep in our home. You must get ALL of these, at least, we would say, to be a "real" Bigfoot Researcher. (Just kidding, folks--those of you with thin-skinned egos, anyway.)
OK, field research is different, we admit it. Still, we are partial to those old-fashioned things with covers and pages. They do not get lost in the internet vortex of cyberspace, and are permanent records of scholarship and ideas that cannot be gone back to and censored nor expunged. They are permanent records that are subject to criticism, peer review, and may be reliably quoted. We highly recommend... READING. It may not be as cool as the latest thermal imager, but it is good for you!

Right-click and view in new tab/window to Enlarge Image. Hopefully you will be able to legibly view the spine titles.
See our recently-updated BIGFOOT BOOKS' BIGFOOT-SASQUATCH BIBLIOGRAPHY for a full list of titles we ourselves have read in recent years. Soon we will begin to annotate this Bibliography, and pronounce our opinions on all of them, the good, the funny, and the stinkers. The list is long, and the more we look the more we realize we've just begun.
When I get royalty for all this? When ME get paid for all picuture, sign, poster, movie, blog and book? It make me mad sometime. Me out here in cold eat nut and berry, locust and honey. Me not had bath in three season! Me have to watch Bigfoot documentary through window of hu-man house. Then me have to run away when hu-man smell me. And me not even get a slice of pie. Hu-man no share the world. Make Bigfoot very Angry Bigfoot!
This weblog, website, soapbox, or whatever you call it is copyright 2010, Steven Streufert, Bigfoot Books Intergalactic. Sharing and borrowing is allowed (and often practiced by us, too) if you give full credit and citation, and a fair and nice link back to our page. Spread the word! Thanks!
This weblog, website, soapbox, or whatever you call it is copyright 2010, Steven Streufert, Bigfoot Books Intergalactic. Sharing and borrowing is allowed (and often practiced by us, too) if you give full credit and citation, and a fair and nice link back to our page. Spread the word! Thanks!